Sunday, 28 February 2010 ;
Recently the weather is horrifying.. Its so hot it burns my hair..
Been trying to organize my photos for weeks.. The sheer amount of photos puts me off but I'm glad I have THAT many photos. This means 2 things:
1. I've not wasted my purchase of NV9. Based on current number of photos taken, each photo cost an average of less than 1 cent!! yippie!! (I can't help but count =p)
2. I've fulfilled that promise to myself to make sure I capture my life w kel as much as possible.
I know I've got a terrible memory. But I want to remember my time w Kel. Read this story where this guy asked a female photographer why she loves taking pictures so much. She said "To plead the fleeting moment to stay." How apt. Perhaps those who like to take photos are all afraid that they would forget. Forget a certain look on a person's face, forget an occasion, or simply do not want to let go of the past. Or some of us see what others cannot see therefore there is a need to capture it the way they see them. Whatever it is, every photo has a story to tell.
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Friday, 19 February 2010 ;
看到戏里的他,看见那时的你。 实在是人生如戏,戏如人生。。 戏里戏外的两个人都同样下贱,同样的让人觉得恶心,同样的势利眼。。
其实我应该觉得庆幸。 如果没遇过你,我也许不会明白我真正要的是什么。 如果没遇过你,我也许不会选择了现在的他,更不会过得这么幸福,这么快乐。
命运是很奇妙的东西,我相信人定胜天,但不需要像你这样出卖感情与良心也能改变命运。本来很好奇你到底在想什么,作出决定的时候,是什么心情。现在明白了。你问我,“人为何不能享旗人之福?如果说不管如何,我始终会回到你身边都不行吗?” 要我在回答一次,我的答案还是一样。
那年对自己的誓约到今天还没变: 人定胜天。 我不必出卖良心与感情,也会比你过得更好。 我发誓。
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Friday, 12 February 2010 ;
life is so interesting sometimes.. we took a photo of the same rainbow. Same time, same day, same place.
weeks later, i realised.. u hadn't and you'll probably never..
then again, might might have already. And i'm the slow one here..
who knows?
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Have no idea why some people can be so inflexible. Have no idea why some people just like to be mean. They're upset if they see you smiling. Seeing u happier than them makes them angry. They do mean things to make u sad. To make you be like them.
They're upset if u take the effort to dress decently for work. If they are sloppy, they expect you to fit in. If they're lazy they expect you to be the same.
But why should I? Why should I compromise on standards I set for myself? Why should I be unhappy and stoop to their level? MOST IMPORTANTLY, why shld I dress like them (shorts & slippers & even PJ sometimes) to a proper office? I'm not working at a market. I'm working in front of a proper work desk and a PC w Windows 7 OS. I'm not working at a factory. Besides, this is Singapore. Not M'sia or China or wherever they come from. Why should I be lazy and go without even the most basic make up like them? If with only foundation and lip balm (not even lip gloss or lipstick!) I already look so out of place, I don't think thats my problem. Why should I let myself go fat old ugly and unaccomplished like they are?
Its is again, time to leave.
近朱者赤,近墨者黑. I shan't wait till I'm like them. I'll leave and they'll not get their stupid culture on me. Not one bit.
I refuse to be beaten. So SHOO. (What i really want to say is 'F*CK OFF!!')
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 11 February 2010 ;
Feel like switching lines altogether.
This song is stuck in my head:
你很爱她 - FIR
我没有说什麽 就当做了自由
哭求也没有用 就当做是寂寞
因爲我能明白 她的温柔
就坦白告诉我 谁是你的最爱
其实你很爱她 对我的惩罚
说你没有想她 是可怜我吧
我已没有藉口 只能放手
不敢奢求 你说爱我
其实你很爱她 她很温柔吗
其实你很想她 就说出口吧
我已不想多说 摀住耳朵
哭求也没有用 就当做是寂寞
因爲我能明白 她的温柔 对你是种解脱
其实你很爱她 对我的惩罚
说你没有想她 是可怜我吧
我已没有藉口 只能放手
不敢奢求 你说爱我
其实你很爱她 她很温柔吗
其实你很想她 就说出口吧
我已不想多说 摀住耳朵
不想再次听到你说 你很爱她
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 10 February 2010 ;
so many things i want to get done.. and i WILL get them done by this week.. found the perfect place to bring mum for her bdae meal nxt month. am getting her a v day gift from that place too! and upon request, i get one too! lol
have passed by this place a couple of times before. but their advert caught my eye so i went to search for their website

the "Valentine crystallized natural rose on a gianduja cube coated with dark chocolate (46 gr) presented in a Hediard clear gift box" is for mummy.. doesn it just look so lovely?!
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 3 February 2010 ;
oR sO sHe sAys..-