Sunday, 29 November 2009 ;

The latest addition to my bag rental/sale business is the LV Speedy 30 Azur. I've never liked the Speedy.. no matter its size.. its the lack of shape that irks me.. But since there is a demand for them, i shall join in the supply of them.. why say no to money right? So I bought this little fellow (not v little actually.. its not the smallest of its range) home.. When I got the little fellow home, it was a pretty sorry sight.. Speedy already has a tendency to sag and become shapeless and ugly.. Its previous owner probably hasn't been using it for a while.. It was clean, yes.. but not at its best.. its handles were dirty.. but its insides were clean.. very clean.. I used leather cleaner to scrub it w all my might.. for a couple of hours, i worked on the leather, then making a base for it.. overnight, i gave it shape by stuffing newspapers into it, pushing the trimmings and joints of the bag out repeatedly.. finally, it looked the best that a 2 year old Speedy could look.. when i woke up this morning, i saw it standing proud with a pretty nice shape to it.. u knw what? i felt that it was smiling at me.. i felt that i had given it life.. weird huh? I brought it out the other day, testing its practicality. It amazed me. It retained it shape throughout the day and was comfortable to hold & carry around. Why is it then, that a lot of the speedy/s I see on the streets are so shapeless? So saggy and haggard looking? I can actually remember the number of times I see a speedy with shape..
kel warns me against developing feelings for this baggy.. I confidently told him I will never want to own a Speedy permanently.. Its way too common (esp the monogram in size 25) way too easy to fake (esp the damier) and way too shapeless.. But I'd better not speak too soon.. =p
Am going BKK w kel, matilda & her bf on e 11th Dec =) Coincidentally (as kel has kindly reminded me) it coincides with our 601 day together.. Anyone wants anything from BKK? let me know & i'll try to port it back for u..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 18 November 2009 ;
i finally sold my precious last night.. =( and i couldn't sleep.. kel kept asking me not to sell it.. but i did..

never realized that 68% of profit could result in so much emotional turmoil.. never will i put so much emotions into investments again!!
bye baby, i'll miss u... =(
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 16 November 2009 ;
Suddenly everything's happening too fast.. Either I've not been catching up w my frens for too long or this world's getting to complicated for me.. =(
I think its a bit of both...
Nov-Dec is really the season for breaking up.. no idea why.. but it is..
i shouldn't go on FB too often.. they give me more shocks/surprises than i can take.. I see my sec sch frens getting married, frens having kids.. I see some frens who were ABOUT to get married suddenly changing partners.. I also heard about frens who were on the verge of getting married when their partner died..
too much.. too much.. maybe to me i keep thinking i'm still young.. all these getting married and having kids stuff are ADULT responsibilities.. and i forgot i've legally been an adult for a few years already.. and when i see ppl my age taking up such responsibilities i feel overwhelmed.. like.. wow.. i can't do that..
i remember telling kel once (we were discussing about relationships and why some ppl snatch other's bf/gfs and blah blah blah) that he doesn't knw its a 'battlefield' out there.. all's fair in love and war.. And I guess I've forgotten its a battlefield out there myself.. This relationship has given me much needed security and I've forgotten about not taking things for granted.. I've forgotten to treasure and cherish what I have.. being contented is different from cherishing.. Today i'm reminded once again that happiness can come and go as it pleases.. Today i'm reminded to treasure what I have.. =)

even if one day you leave me i'll remember we once had such beautiful memories.. =)
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 15 November 2009 ;
am hungry at 1.26amsome things just saps my energy..
i like where things are at.
maybe there isn't a need to take things further.
no idea why i'm so insistent and determined about certain life choices, but i JUST AM.
maybe its not a good thing.
but i think it is.
at least one of us is determined.
that gives us some direction.
my choice may not be "right".
we might regret.
but at least i made a decision.
am not scared of change.
are you?
its my choice.
what's yours?
Am hungry at 1.30am
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 11 November 2009 ;
Women are emotional creatures. Especially true for me I guess.. Some time back, I had a function to attend so thought of renting a chanel 2.55 for the evening. Did some research and found it pretty not worth renting. I'm much better off buying. So I did. The original plan was to buy and then rent it out to decrease my sunk cost. Its definitely stupid to buy a new bag to rent it out so the plan was to buy a used bag. Chanced upon a really good buy and a really nice older version of the classic bag. I find it nicer than the common 2.55 and its pretty worth the price, a little low than market rate. So I bought it. After the function, I posted it online to rent it out. Unexpectedly, it received very good response! The original worry was, what if no one would rent it or buy it from me? Is there resale value? I did my research. I felt it was worth a buy not only as an asset in itself but there IS a resale value especially at the price I got it at. My profits (I estimated) would not be high but by renting one in the first place, there would be only losses and profits to speak of.
On the day of handing over the bag to the girl renting it, I was filled with uncertainty. Despite having a pretty sound contract to back me up financially should anything happen to my darling, I was still worried. I realized it had gone beyond the monetary value I had originally placed on the bag. Its more than an investment for me. Its more than business. I ACTUALLY FEEL FOR THE BAG! I talked to it! I told it, "You'll come back to me in a week ok? I'm sorry you have to go earn money for me but I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll see you in a wk's time ok?" *Hugz*
Kelvin looked at me and said, "Lets cancel the rental. I know you can't bear to part with it already." But why say no to money? I thought. Afterall, its only a week! I wouldn't be using it anyway. Besides, I would like to recoup some capital. So I handed it over the the lady, gushing over it, with a CIGARETTE in her hand (unlit)!! Alarmed, Kelvin warned her about leaving cigarette smells in it. As I left the meeting place, I couldn't help but worry about her burning my beloved accidentally with cigarette marks.. Yes I know she would have to compensate me in that case and it might actually be better that she did it! But wouldn't my bag hurt? Oh, i forgot.. Its a non living thing.
It should have been home with me right now, but its not. The lady liked the bag so much that she extended it week after week. In fact she told me she is considering buying it. I calculated... IF she did purchase it from me, I would earn a 67.5238% profit. Not only would I recoup my capital but also a 67.5238% profit!! But of cos, I can choose to say no to her offer and continue to rent it out. With the Christmas season coming and soon, CNY and, perphaps there'll be an even HIGHER demand? But what if no one wants to purchase it and demand for rental dies down? I'll have only recouped part of my capital...
Kel determinedly says no to selling it. He said he can't forget the look on my face when I first bought it and when I had to rent it out. My facial expressions seem to torture him mentally.. Haha.. Its a tough decision.. Its not as if I'll be using it very frequently, although its size is really handy but to work? its too small (and I have a new bag for this.. Dua coach can retire for a while) perphaps for wkends..
I miss it already.. How? =( in fact I feel guilty for leaving it with someone else for so long.. what if she puts it on a dirty floor? what if she gets drunk and vomit over it?! what if.. what if she drops it on a rough floor, scratching its delicate skin? *OUCH!* what if.. she gets angry at her bf and swings it to hit him?
i must be mentally ill.. help me... =(
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Friday, 6 November 2009 ;

her tears, like lethal venom, killed whatever they touched..
she had enough of such cruelty..
she decided to cry herself to death..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 2 November 2009 ;

a date to watch Casablanca @ Botanic Gardens

weddings make me either very sad or very happy.. 4th wedding I've attended with Kelvin. I LOVE YOUR FRIENDS, DEAR!!!
i realised i've not been blogging abt happy stuff for a while.. why? i guess i'm very happy w life now.. I'm happy with the people I have around me and people who are with me "electronically" =p if not physically, I'm contented with my physical possessions. There are things to improve on of cos.. If I could, I'll want to take my Masters RIGHT NOW and of cos, career wise get to where I want to go to asap.. =) still, i guess if i have everything I want and want nothing more, life would be pretty boring right? So i either have to create more wants or God has to deprive me of something.. Thank goodness he didn't deprive me of what I love most. Mummy, Audrey, Kelvin and my bag bags (Its all Sally's fault that I'm turning from being a shoes woman to a bags woman. Haha.. I haven't bought a new pair of shoes since.. about.. 6 months ago!)
oR sO sHe sAys..-