Thursday, 27 August 2009 ;
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 26 August 2009 ;
just as i tot i'm about to wean off crushing on super high heels, i met.. her..
Her name is Segura and she is about 1 inch tall in front and abt 4.5 inches at the heel.. even though it is really high, it is comfy.. covered in royal blue suede, she costs $170.. the colour is hard to match but i'm still in love with it..
pls oh pls let kel and i close XXXX's condo case after more than a month of burnt weekends so i wldn feel the guilty buying Segura & the bright pink dress from Warehouse..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 24 August 2009 ;

long long journey..

kel and i were testing out the smile capture function on NV9.. turns out that they are only able to detect wide smiles.. so we gave a HUGE grin.. just look at kel.. he look like he won the lottery haha.. =p

bought new baggie for mummy.. gave her a nice surprise.. she loved it =D one thing abt asking mummies to choose their own prezzie is that they'll pick something they like that isn't too expensive.. so kel and i picked one that we think she'll like rather than let her pick..

am super tempted to get this dress from Warehouse @ Wisma.. $203... shld i? shld i not? its nicer in reality.. somehow i can't take a decent pic of it..
i've decided to get a timeless lasting bag.. why? cos i feel that rather than spending moolah on many many many $50-$400 bags i might as well get one bag that i'll use for any occasion (almost.. maybe except for wedding dinners and events like that) like how the french women do it, lining their wardrobe w few, but quality pieces only.. i think its cool.. benefits both my bank account and my wardrobe since my wardrobe is currently suffering from being overloaded w stuff i dun wear/bags i dun carry..
thru the research phase, i realised that timeless bags may not be classic bags but classic bags are timeless bags. timeless bags are usually boring (hence able to withstand the passing of time) whereas classic bags need not be boring.. and hence the search continues.. i've got a couple of options.. only a couple as i intend to use it for work AND play. it must therefore be big enough for A4 documents yet not too formal for wkends.. therefore, many classic bags like the fendi baguette & the channel classic flap are out! i like the prada doctor bag but my mentor is already carrying it so.. no go.. i'll never go for prada's nylon bags so that wipes out 1/2 of watever prada has.. love loewe's amazona but it can only be hand carried.. still, its lovely and is shortlisted.. Furla's doctor bag wld have made the mark but kel said its AUNTIE! Chloe's Victoria tote is nice too and kel actually thinks this is better than furla's doctor bag! how is that possible!? must be the colour i guess.. but they only have it in grey, black and cherry and the cherry is horrible (*puke*)
the search for a bag i that i can call THE BAG, is much like finding THE ONE (i'm talking abt a man.. not shoes..).. it can be fancied by many but what matters is whether it fits you and ur lifestyle.. for me, i want it not to sag when i put lotsa stuff in.. yet i want it not to be too hard.. i want it to be easy to maintain (no suede then..), not easily stained, easy to clean, big enuf for A4 but want it to be feminine.. i want it to be able to be carried on shoulders comfortably, hand held nicely and able to hang it at the insides of my elbow (is there a specific name for that body parT? yes right?! what is it called?).. am i demanding? i guess so.. but i demand as much out of my future husband too.. hence i think i will never get married haha!!!
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 19 August 2009 ;
2 wks back..
*out of the blue*
kel *in serious mode* "u need an lv bag"
me "?! need? why?"
kel "cos i've been observing and it seems like every girl has one.. and i want to give u the best too.."
awW~ so silly-ish sweet.. not all lv bao baos are nice (some are hideous).. and its way too common.. no point in carrying a brand for the sake of carrying a brand.. but its really swt of him to say that.. in such a serious manner some more..
i've finally decided on my course of action... will effect it asap... am very excited abt potential changes.. i'll still be in the industry.. i realised i still love what i do.. hope nothing goes wrong though.. whether i can make it thru the transition period in one piece depends very much on someone else.. =) dun think she'll let me dwn or abandon me in any way but we nva know.. i'll just have to be careful untill everything is settled :) i've decided to do property part time.. its fun but it doesn't give me the satisfaction i seek.. guess i'll just have to wk doubly hard :) burn wkends wk late nights. but it'll be worth it.. =)
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 12 August 2009 ;
渴望有人和我分担烦恼。。 可惜,孩子气的男人。。让人失望。。
shld i stay or shld i leave? shld i hlp or shld i not?
so-called greener pastures may be misleading.. by helping, i might get myself into trouble... by not leaving, i might be like some ppl who are stuck in the same spot of years.. by not helping, i might ruin a girl's future and lose a fren..
for the 1st time i feel lost abt my career.. i know i love my job but there are better offers out there.. same job dif co.. clients not affected.. same platform.. i need a serious person to discuss this with.. (i tot i found someone i cld talk to abt everything.. yes he can talk to me abt everything.. but nt in the serious manner..)
as with everything in life, it boils dwn to what you really want out of life.. and you know, everytime i think abt this, i still regret giving up dance.. steve jobs is right.. as with all matters of the heart, you'll know its the right one when you see it.. at this moment in time, i'm a little lost.. the person who shld have been my guiding light didn manage to hlp.. perphaps its true.. angelina might have been right in sec 3 when she said w a strong conviction that the only person you can trust is yourself...
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 10 August 2009 ;
haven't been blogging for a long time.. since the last entry till nw, lots of stuff has happened.. celebrated kel's birthday, dabbled in property line w kel (as his PA waHahaha), met lotsa interesting ppl, received another sweet surprise fr the man, met up w frens like maine & jia, close colleagues left the co.......
life's been bittersweet.. but more swt than bitter :)
have been wanting to get a new cam for a long time.. was initially eyeing the TZ7 but i intend to get a big ass one nxt yr so just want a simple one to tide me over till then.. something very portable yet takes good macro pics.. something w more than 3x zoom, something w iso 3200 (when this is the highest available for compact cam, i can no longer accept iso 1600.. ROAR!!) and i was decidign btwn TZ7 and FX48 till i saw that the ZR1 will be out in the nxt quarter but i can't wait so long!! the ZR1 rocks!! but its too long a wait... i was undecided until i went to harvey norman sale @ expo.. i saw a great olympus @ 369 only! I nearly grabbed it.. but i took a walk arnd the fair and i saw the... samsung NV9! its one of a kind video functions had me there and then! sadly its only a 5x zoom but i guess we can't have everything in such a small package.. (ZR1 can fufil my needs though) so i bought it.. too bad there was only the silver or the pink one.. i saw the pictures of the black version and i love it! =x nevertheless its super macro functions will keep me happy for a while :) and its super cheap too!! =D (p/s: thanks darling!)

AIA has this cool new pdt (launched 27th July and gonna remove it by end of this wk already! selling like hotcakes!!) that acts like a fixed deposit of 5 years but gives the highest int rate in town of 2.75% p.a! Its really cool but they're hitting their cap too fast.. anw thats not the point.. the point is.. we recently tied up with them and therefore attended their pdt launch of this AIA wealth accumulator @ the Equinox.. cool huh? but they removed tables and seats so as to accomodate all the IFAs that attended the pdt launch.. so we had to STAND thru the reception, the launch, the lucky draw blah blah blah... grr.. most imptly, they DREW THE BLINDS!!!! -_-" someone tell me why they choose to book the equinox in that case pls.. leaving only the blinds at the corners up, 90% of us cldn enjoy the scenery.. they can easily draw the curtains down during presentation right? wat a waste...
A close colleague recently decided to jump to manulife.. felt a little sad as it seems to me to be a career regression but still, its her choice.. the pay is indeed better.. but she's one of the closest coleagues i have so it was kinda sad... =(

happy birthday darling!! cake from awfully chocolate.. it was SO good 2 of us wanted to polish off th whole thing.. =p rum and cherry.. its a MUST TRY!!


i heart surprises! *hugz* :D
these images are so crappy cos all of them are taken by viewty =( too bad i didn get the cam in time for kel's bday... =(
oR sO sHe sAys..-