Tuesday, 30 June 2009 ;
kEl mentioned in paSsing that he wld like to watCh transfoRmers one oF thesE daYs so i wenT to boOk tics as a surprise for him! =) 25th.. i expecTed it to be fUlly bOoked but nO.. we cld sTill get couple sEAts! :) cOol.. but the coupls sitting beside us was.. irritating.. anw, kel was really happy and i'm glaD i (FINALLY) did somEthing foR him in rEturn.. tsk u know hoW its like to geT stuff for guys.. its tOugh.. esp when kel isn really a soccer fan or some fan of some sports (Wrestling isn a sport cos i say so).. =x
it was pretty good :)
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Tuesday, 23 June 2009 ;
"wHy floweRS?"
"nO reAson" =)
*heArt suRpriseS* =D

oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 17 June 2009 ;
Dear friends / readers,
Please take some time to read the blogs below. I'm organising a fund raising activity for them, not just in cold hard cash but also in terms of donating gifts that are still new but u have no use for them as well as donating books. They will sell these items for cash.
Other ways u can help:
Buying Hand-made Accessories
Buying Home-made Cheese Cake/Muffins/Quiche For Sale
Donate A Gift
Donate A Used Watch
Donate A Book
If any of you are interested to help or have stuff to donate I'll be more than happy to collect them
at your doorstep to collate everyone's donation to pass to them. If you'll like to order accessories or cakes from them I believe you can get in touch with them at their website. Alternatively you can let me know and I'll try to get more orders and lias w them.. Anything that you can donate would be very helpful. Plush toys, mugs, photo frames, books, etc... They don't cost you a cent yet would mean a lot to this family.
Please help.
Excerpt from http://ourfeistyprincess.blogspot.com/:
Everytime she visit NUH for a blood test, she knows that she will be getting her finger pricked. So our cheeky princess will choose which finger before getting poked. Today was no exception.
Me: "Charmaine, so which finger the nurse prick today?"
Char: "Pointer. Mummy, this is left or right?"
Cyn: "Right"
Char: "Right pointer finger"
Me: "So did you cry and scream today?"
Char: "I shout very loud but no water come out leh"
Adorable cutie that continues to cheer us up in our gloomy workplace.
- Posted by Charlenehttp://www.ourfeistyprincess.com/index.php
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 8 June 2009 ;
sometimes, when we are too fortunate, we tend to want to destroy some of that happiness to allow ourselves to feel that we are really living..
stop me..
oR sO sHe sAys..-