Monday, 27 April 2009 ;
i've been too busy to blog.. but at audrey's reminder that she wants to kaypoh my life i've decided to blog.. lol..
recently just celebrated one yr anniversary w kel.. it wasn't really a well planned day.. =x i felt it was quite a pity that the one-yr mark was just.. like that lo..

dinner was at sun with moon at chijmes..
there happened to be a flamenco festival so we stood around to watch the dance.. we actually met around 4plus.. but had nothing to do so we mulled arnd.. in the end we decided to go to the flyer area to grab a bite.. while walking around the flyer area a small bird fell out of its nest and landed right in front of us! i was so super shocked.. kel and i were fussing over it for a while, and finally i decided to pick it up and bring it to someone who manages the garden area to bring us a ladder so we can put it back.. i gingerly lifted it on my palm and its claws actually dug into my palm.. -_-" anw eventually as we walked towards crowded areas i guess it got really frightened and it flew away.. pengz.. i tot it was injured so it can't fly cos it was really frozen on the ground for quite a while..

bracelet for the guy & a nice powerpoint slide made by the girl

bear and ring for the girl & a nice invitation video made by the guy..
i was busy just before the 19th.. i actually wanted to make him a video slide of all our pics but we have more than thousand over pics in our one yr together.. so i only got him a bracelet and a ppt slide.. =( however, i did take put some effort into getting him the bracelet ok? lol.. and there are special engravings on the inside of the bracelet! the ring on the other hand, i was already eyeing 2 rings from the true love collection at SK.. this, and another.. so i asked for his opinion and he secretly went back to pick one.. *sweet* :)
work has been ok.. i was actually tempted to do my masters and i've been looking arnd for suitable courses for a while.. i attended this introduction talk by CUNY for the program of masters in finance.. was so tempted to do it! it only takes one year! and the modules are so interesting.. best of all, a good portion of their modules are courses from CFA so if we follow this course with CFA there'll be some exemption.. :) so tempting! shld i?
oR sO sHe sAys..-