Tuesday, 24 March 2009 ;
tried thE hot plATe weStern fOod aT tIong bAru mkt.. it waS sUper gOod! tHumbs uP!

kel thE pIggy:

VIP tickets tO eStee laUder co.'s pte saLE!

oNe fOr hIm aNd onE fOr mE :) i'm trying to get more tickets tO distribute! sPread tHe joy aRound! =D

oNe nIce cLient kEpt sending mE nIce sWeet cArds at tHe office.. =x i think he's just over friendly and lonely but aM geTting a bit bit bit freaked.. bouGht me gIfts wHile on oVersEAs wK trIp too.. saYs will lEAve tHem at mY officE recePt.. =x is tHis nOrmal?
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 12 March 2009 ;
Golden Key has started sending me graduate newsletters instead of their normal newsletters.. and boy.. am i tempted to study.. scholarship applications, tuition grants... i'm so tempted.. i miss studying..
life's damn unfair ok? last time when i keep trying to get more tanned, i can't.. now? i get burnt and while peeling i got a peek into my new skin and TADAH! its much darker than my original colour! but now i wanna stay fair.. sucks.. =x
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 ;
fOund! 南方二重唱's 重温。细说往事 CD! mAn.. call me LKK (lao kok kok) if you want to, but these olDies aRE FABULASO! esP the sOngs in dIsc 2.. *陶醉*
mY fAce is sTarting tO pEel! i lOok likE a monsTer! aNd i'm mEeting a BIGGIE client on fRiday! yIkes!!! either i pEel all the flakie parTs mYself or i rIsk looking like.. i dunno what on fRi and scare tHe hEll out of one of my bIggest clienT sO far... tAlking abOut wK, lAst month's reSults wEre better tHan i expected.. :) but i've been slacking e last wk of feb and the 1st wk of mar.. if this fRi goes well i might be able to see my face on the charts again.. i'd better bUck up! afTer slacking for 2 wks, i grudgingly went baCk to office yesT cos of the co meeting.. even then, i was late for a good half an hour somemore..
on the waY, i tot abt why i was slacking.. i realised that the idEA that when i hav biz, i can buy moRE toscano bag bags no longer motivate me.. dun get me wrong! i dun hav a lot of expensive baggies neither do i hav tons of biz.. but these 2 wks i haven been able to motivate myself to wk.. but after the monthly meeting, having seen my face on the slides and on the wall in the office, i realised i'm not after the money.. i'm after recognition.. i feel demotivated because in the short run, no clients will thank me for having planed well for him or something like that.. not in the short run.. but in the long run , when they need the cash and i knw where and how to get cold hard cash out for them and when they see themselves retiring with less worries than others, MAYBE i'll be appreciated.. sometimes i wonder whether i'm in the wrong line.. i think i'll be happier in social wk or something.. but then again i like to dabble with econs stuff and money stuff.. so maybe i'm in the right line afterall! haha.. it is really tough for the 1st yr.. many ppl are still unsure of what we do and keep branding us as insurance agents which i abhor! if i want to sell insurance i will join insurance companies man.. they pay so much better ok? sigh.. i claim to have it tough.. but i know my seniors, the pioneers of this industry have it worse! my mentor studied so much, in relatively prestigious unis no less, to wk here.. and still suffers the same fate as us - being branded as insurance agents once in a while.. haha.. but she's doing well.. very well in fact.. someone sitting behind me in the meeting whispered (quite loudly) "pls la with sales like her's who cares what clients call you?" lol.. to each his own i guess.. but the next person who calls me insurance agent will get it from me. honest. *bish* (kidding ok?)
oh i've got tO say this.. my boSs is really nIce.. he left a book in mY locker with a note "For you to keep" its a book on motivation aNd how not to let failure affect you and blah blah blah.. maybe he noticed my inactivity these 2 wks! ops..=x
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Friday, 6 March 2009 ;

kEl's good fRen's getting married tOday sO he tOok leaVe fOr tOday AND yEst sO we cAN gO swimming @ Jurong East.. i haD a feeling itS a baD ideA tO gO swImming a daY b4 i waNNa dOll up.. but i wENt sInce kel haS alreaDY taken lEave. beSides, i'm sUre he'll lOVE tHe lAzy rIver :) wE haD sUperlicIously lOads oF FUN! wE reaChed aBt 11.45 aNd wE leFt at 4 plUs! it wAs sHiokalicious! i dId brIng sUn block BUT left it in the locKEr aND waS tOo lazy tO get it.. besides, tHe sKy wAs cloudy aNd looked like it waS gonna rAin.. BUT, i wAs STILL burnt.. i have no idea how.. i mean, the sun only came out for less than an hour.. prob half an hour.. and BAM! i beCame cHao tAh jAsmine.. dAmn.. yeSt wAS alright.. just sorE.. but when i got home, i cOuld baRely lie down withouT scREaming in paIn maN! ok ok i wAs wEAring tHis bikini maTilda gOt me 2 yrS back.. its lovely.. but its not wat i wore.. its jUst me i think.. i'm sO prone tO getting burnt.. like audrey.. :p
aNw tHe t-shirt we wOre yest wAs really cHeesy.. we even wore the same coloured bottoms unanimously! tSk.. haha
oR sO sHe sAys..-