Saturday, 28 February 2009 ;
i mUst say, kEl is tHe sWeetest gUy i've eVer meT! yeSt we're suPposEd tO meEt tHe eStee gP fOr cRabby dInner aNd ktv-ing.. but i haD a tUmmy aChe in tHe mOrn sO wE dEcided tO eaT elsewHere anD join tHem fOr kTv-ing.. when kEl cAme tO piCk me, he pREtended tO haV dRopped sOmething undeR mY sEAt.. "eh i dRopped sOmetHing uNder tHe seaT jUst nOw lEh cAn hlp mE pick it up?" i pulled out a bag that cOntained a white box.. i lookeD at him aNd he lookeD like he haS nEver sEen it in his life! man.. so i openeD the white box aNd tHere's a bOnia box aNd i immed know it wAs a wRistlet! tHat sWeetie.. we wenT vIvo tHat day anD he sPotted tHis nIce wristlet.. i was lamenting thAt i haV my carlo rino onE already else i'll havE gotten tHis cos its sO nIce! he wEnt tO buy it at tAmpines dUring his lunch.. aaWw~~ sO swT!!!

tHen at nIght, he sAng aNdy laU's rOu ma qing ge fOr me lo.. i wAs melting eVen though it wAs no where like wHat the sOng sounded.. haha!! but it waS tHe sWeetest soNg evEr.. :) he tried tO escape afTer promising tO sing fOr me maN.. heng my ex-boss sToppped him... muAHahha.. =p
me love me deaR!!!
oh yes.. anyone wanna buy my carlo rino wristlet? its almost brand new la! used once or twice only =x i need a good caring owner for it.. i actually searched high and low for this colour cos it went OOS some time back..

oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 23 February 2009 ;
a clienT maDe mY dAy (aGain) yeSt :) its really clients likE tHEse that maKes all the haRd wOrk wOrthwhile.. sOme tImes wHen i look aT mY pAycheck (or lack of) & at mY dIary, i sEe sO maNy cases wHere i could have simply closed a DEAL and clinch a SALE instead of spenDing tIme really building a relationship, really understanding my client, trying to be a part of his/her life where everytime he/she faces a financial problem, the 1st person he/she think of is me.. i could hav upped my sales, closed the deal
i kept telling myself in the long run, that mindset is gonna be career suicide. its not what i set out as an advisor to do. so i stopped myself. its not difficult really.. i remind myself how disgusted i am when i see SALES PPLE (sorry i dun call them advisors.. we're not in the same league) grinning saying how they "MADE PPLE BUY STUFF".. it disgusts me.. MADE pple buy = they dun need it but i made them buy it anyhow.. zero ethics..anw, so that client, she's due to give birth nxt wk.. she got me to do full planning for her.. so i did.. it was a lot of paperwk (a stack to be precise) and quite some calculations and research, thinking LT and ST.. she accepted most of wat i proposed.. but being a little tight with budget this month, she asked if she cld pass me e $ end of the mth.. couple of days ago, she asked her hubby to tell me they're still a bit tight.. i smsed her directly tellin her not to worry abt the $ and we'll wait till the kiddo is here and they're settled dwn.. a baby costs money man! and they'll prob need a mth or so to plan their finances with the baby in mind.. also, they're my 1st friends to have a baby! so i'm naturally excited and i've begun to shop for the baby since like last month! and she knows cos kel told her.. haha.. anw so she replied me a really swt msg thanking me, and she says once her bag bursts she'll call me!
i was so happy!! from a client to a friend, i think this is really wat i want to achieve.. its a life long relationship i want to build, not sales sales sales.. sales, if it comes, it comes.. its clients like these that keeps me going..
like the one who gave me chicken essence at the roadshow, passed me coffee telling me to take a break, sent me a card....
Its not that i'm not doing well.. i'm in the running for tHe tOp position among tHE handful of new guys in my tEAm.. as of now, i'm the top.. but there's not a moment to slack.. the runenr up is close on my heels.. haha.. but its good competition.. we still learn fr one another, sharing thoughts, etc.. its just that no fresh grads has EVER gotten the position of top rookie in our 10 years of history.. so it makes me wanna break the record.. besides, its usually my team's rookie who gets the prize.. no matter who wins, i hope the person is my teammate if not me.. :) we hav 8 more months to go..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 18 February 2009 ;

hAd tHe 'bEstest' v.dAy eVer.. laZy tO loAD mOre picS sInce i've uploaded tHem tO fAcebOok aLready.. buT tHis v.dAy prOved sOmething tO me.. it dIdn feEl wAy tOo dIfferenT fRom hoW wE usuaLLy fEel wHen wE hang ouT tOgEther.. of cOs, aMbiance wAs beTter, blah blah blah but jUst btwN tHe 2 of uS, tHe fEeling is aS gOod aS uSual.. sO its tRue.. iF u're with tHe rIght person, eVerydAy is vAlentines' dAy.. =)
aNw, i've reAlly got tO tHank kEl fOr rEally putting in eFfort intO plAnning fOr v.daY.. it wAS a sUrprise.. aNd kel was mUmbling tO hImself tHat nIght.. "we've haD meaLs in tHe aIr, mEals on laNd aNd meaLs on tHe sEa.. sHit.. wHat eLse cAn i plaN nxt tHat'll be better tHan all tHese? tIme tO rAck mY braIns.." haha.. bUt i sAY, aNywhere wIth tHe BF is tHe beSt plaCe tO be.. =)
tHe cRuise tHing wAs reAllY fUn.. bUt some iDiot (dunno whether he was trying to be funny) dedicated the tHeme sOng fRom TITANIC to his wIfe.. pls la.. cRuise? tItanic? *shiver* thankfully nothing went wrong lol
perphaps we weRe in tHe mOod fOr fun that nIght.. wE voluntEered tO plaY a gAme in fRont of sO many ppl.. 4 couples.. tHe ladies simply had to hold a mug but the guys haD tO dO tIe a rope aRnd their wAist w a tEnnis bAll hAnging neAr tHeir whereeveR and try to swing it into the mUg.. pretty obscene iF u asK me but in the naMe of fUn, wHy not? aNw we wOn tHe gaMe. b4 the gAme, the 4 participating couples weRe asKed hOw long we've been tOgether and we happened to be the "oldest" couple on stage.. lol.. but the swtest was this couple who got together on that day!so they were like.. "er.. we've been together for... er.. we started today.." wOo~ all of us clapped like there was no tml.. lol.. sO cOol cAN?!?! *aWw~~*
oH.. aNd aMaxingly wE weRe nomInated fOr tHe best dRessed cOuple cOntest.. bUT, we haD tO dANce! peNgz.. keL can'T daNce fOr nUts la! sO i dId a foOl pRoof coUple dAnce w hIm.. haha sHall nOt revEal wHat i tot of.. it sAved ouR dAnce fRom being puKe-worthy at leAst.. haha.. 3rd prIze.. :) good eNuf la...
i haV a reAlly swt client.. i believe i wRote abt him a fEw posts b4.. he paSsed me cHicken essence aNd coffee, sincerely tEllin me tO take caRe dUring tHe roadsHow.. meT up w him couple of wKs bacK.. he shAred a lot abt life w me.. and he sent me a v.daY caRD! posted tO mY wK place.. sIghz.. sWeet isn't it?! actually i've been pretty lucky.. ppl i've met are nIce.. well at least not outright nasty.. i've beEn really lucky.. like just laSt nIght, i went fOr a sEminar hosted by a fUnd house w 3 clients.. as i was leaving, i noticed this guy behind me was looking at me and smiled at me so i smiled back.. later at the lobby, i met a colleague so i spoke w him for a while and he waS jUst telling me its a gOod place tO network aNd i wAs tHinking wHether i've jusT missed a cHance tO speak to someone wHo may be able to share w me knowledge aBt investment eVen if he didn end up being my client.. so i was wondering opeNly wHen.. TA DAH! he walked twds me aNd said hello! so i hello-ed back and we started chatting.. indeed.. he's a veteren in investing but more towards shares and property rather than funds.. and so we chatted.. :) nice.. i'm really grateful that i've been able to meet nIce pple wHo dun mInd sHaring idEAs aNd experiences w me.. tHese precious intangible sTuff will deFinately fOllow me wHereever i gO in tHe fUture =D *shouts* I LOVE MY JOB!!!! =D
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 12 February 2009 ;
oR sO sHe sAys..-