Thursday, 29 January 2009 ;
the past couple of wks hav been really rough sailing for kel & i.. it got a little too dramatic such that i began to doubt whether i was living my own life or did i accidentally entered someone else's life.. but its in times like these that i recall and appreciate what zijun once said.. "患难中的爱情才珍贵"
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 12 January 2009 ;
i paRticipatEd in tHe 50+ exHibition lasT wEekeNd.. in cOnjunction wiTh tHe 50+ exhibition, we were sUpposeD tO pRomote eLdersHield but of cOs wE weRen't resTricted tO eldershield. It is indeed a gOod plan in the seNse tHat tHE premium is lOcked in. Meaning, premIum dOesn't incRease. HoWever tHis means thAt tHose in tHeir laTe 50s aND 60s wLd find it eXpensive.. aLso, its a caShless plan. It usEs medIsave wHich is mOney tHat cAn't be tOuched aNw.. bUt i dIgressed.. i mEt plEnty of ppl, had meaningful convErsatIons wiTh maNy ppl too.. haD some memorable moments..
oNe uNcle lOved baCkpacKing sO we aCtually cHatted fOr abt aN hour, 1/2 the tIme abOut backpacKing and 1/2 the tIme on rEtirement plaNNing.. hE aSked me aLong fOr a tAlk by Wu Wei Cai abt baCkpacKing! i dId sO waNt tO gO but cLdn leavE as i waS wKing.. :(
aNother uNcle aSked me wAt our cO. dOes.. sO i mEntioned pTe wEAlth mAnagement.. aNd he immediately teSted mY knoWLedge.. "if i gAve u oNe mIllion uSd tO maNage, wAt wld u dO wiTh it? i waNt caPital pRotection." mY 1st tot was "wAit.. dId mY boSs sEnd hIm here tO teSt me?" highly possible wOr! cOs cOincidentally nOn of mY teammates weRe preSent. nO onE tO hlp me out.. i waS no mY own.. dO or dIe babY.. but i guEss it tUrned ouT ok.. if it wAs a tEst, i thInk i sCored a B
aNother uNcle i sPoke tO tUrned out tO be tHe excOlleague of oNe of mY co's mgr.. -_- henG i dIdn't sprout nonsense..
oF cos i meT mY sHare of naSty ppl.. bUt thAnkfully tHey weRE raRe.. onlY one made me feel upseT.. tHis uNcle wAs uSing "doctor font" wHen he wRote hIs nAme.. it waS an uncommon english naMe.. i've nevEr seen it in mY life anD neIther haD mY colleagUes.. sO i politely asKed hIm hOw i sHld address hIm, he sTared aT me fR heaD tO tOe aNd sHouted "u caN't reAD enGlish aH?!" he den caNcelled hIs naMe aNd wRote it aGain angrily. dEn, he pRoceeded tO fill in hIs eMail. sO i prObed "sOrry uncLe, but is it convenient fOr me tO havE ur cOntact nUmber?" he replied curtly "EMAIL!" tHrew tHe peN on tHe taBLe aNd leFt. -_-" nOw, hOw oN eArth dId i oFfend hIm?
bUt tHe hIghlight of tHis eXhibition mUst be tHis reaLLy nIce cUstomer of mIne.. meT him on sAt. he wAs kEen in tHe eldersHield but wLd like tO complete papeRwk only aFter cHinese new year.. sO aFter we fInished tHe dIscussion, i sTood up tO sHake hIs haNd.. he went "omG! ur haNds arE sO cold!" "yeah its preTty cold here.. i've been sTand here the wHole daY! haha.." he urged me to take caRe of mYself saYing i lOok wEak.. tHE next daY, he caMe tO tHE eXhibition aGain aNd passed mE one boTtle of cHicken eSsence! sO sWeet! mAny of my colleagueS sAw it aNd tHey all wEnt "aWw~ sO swT! wHy ur client sO nIce one!!" i wAs sO tOuched! eVen thou thE cHicken eSsence wAs fRom prudential (cos they were giving it out as free gift for those who queued to play some games) but it was a really niCe tHought.. i wAs sO moTivated esP after mEeting tHat sTrange uncLe wHo asKed me wHether i cld reaD english.. but thats not the end! he weNt tO participaTe in some aCtivities for the elderly aNd aFter a while, he caMe baCk wIth 2 cANs of coffee for me, a carrier aNd some sCreen fOr cars.. he pusHed tHem in my hands sAying he has tOo manY of tHese fReebies.. aWw~ aGain, mY colleagues went "aaAww~ sO sWeet!!" lol!

i guess fOr eVery naSty client out there there mUst be oNe nIce client i can relate to.. like wat my senior said, he seldom face rejections cos he only hlp those who want to hlp themselves. its like tuition. why shld i spend so much effort hlping those whO dUn bother tO wk hard? wHy shld i waste my eNergy and brain cells poring over caShflows, analysing portfolios of those who aRe non believErs of fInancial plaNning (if they even have a portfolio for me to analyse.. wat portfolio? jst hope their financial health isn in shambles)? i'll do my duty to educate tHem on the imptce of long term planning.. but will not hound and pester. cos i'm not a sAlesperson. i'm not an insurance aGent either.. wHy shld i be cHasing aFter ppl wHo insUlt mY profEssion? i'm nOt a sAleswOman.. i'm a pRofessional IFA..

aNw kEl wAs reaLly sWeet.. he cAme dWn tO supporT me boTh daYs tOwarDs tHe eNd. tHink he knOws i haTe ppl tO disturb me wHen i wk sO he only came tWds tHe end.. :p aNw on tHe 2nd dAy, he bought me a little sOft tOy aNd a cArd tO encouraGe me.. aWw~ aNd maSsaged mY legS fOr me.. mAn.. i lOve hIm..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 7 January 2009 ;
its the 7th already! sPent mY nEw yeAR eVe w kEl @ Keppel @ Marina.. was a very impromtu thing.. was to go esplanade originally den we decided to join his frens at Bali Villa DEN we decided to sTay at kEppel.. -_-" but i think it was a pretty good choice.. the place was not crowded, cld see 3 areas of fire wks & THERE WAS NO JAM ON THE WAY HOME!! wOoSH! thAT must be the bEst paRt.. lol.. no la actually the best part was viewing firewks w mY deaR aND being w him at the 1st sec of 09 :D
wK has beeN fIne.. i'm grAdually aDapting tO tHe idEa of haVing sCheming ppl arnd me, adapTing tO tHe faCt tHat tHe wKing wOrld is rEally a wAR zOne.. i neaRly gOt killed jUst yeST.. jUSt yest.. but i suRvived.. unsCathe.. tHankfully.. sHall be mOre cAreful nExt tIme.. :/
oR sO sHe sAys..-