Sunday, 30 November 2008 ;
1st day of wk tml! boy.. am i nervous! wIsh me lUck!
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 23 November 2008 ;
wAS veRy haPpy thE pASt fEw dAys.. beEn prAwning, pOoling, fIsh sPa-ing, cOffee-ing, meETing up w old fRens, etc.. bUt aM nOw vEry upsEt.. :( nO idEA wHy thingS are sO cOmplicAted.. oR aM i THe oNE wHO tHinks tOO simplistically? wHy bOther abt wAt oThers sAY?wHy botHer abt wHat otHErs' tHink? aM i tOo dAring oR aRe u tOo tImid?
eYes aRE pretty sWollen fRom cRying.. sO tIred.. i'm paSt cAring abT hOw sTrangErs sEe me.. bUt u'rE mOre tHan tWice mY aGe aNd u sTill cAre.. y? aNd its nOt even aBt u..
aNd itS nOt jUSt lASt nIght's dRAma.. bUt eVerything tHAt has haPPened maDe me cRave liVing on my oWn.. i sO badly wAnt tHAt.. sO badly wAnt tO gO awaY.. for a lOng tIme.. i did mY beSt. bUt mY bEst is nOt enoUgh.. mAybe i reALLY shld gO awaY..
aM alSo doubting mY cHoice of cAreer eVen b4 i sTart.. wHo knOws wAt tHe fuTUre holds? tO tAke tHis gAmble or nOt? jiu jiu sAys tHe beSt or nOthing. tOp 5 in a list of 20 is not good enuf.. tHe best is IPP.. sO shld i eVn tRY jUmping? i alr hav frens heRe.. nOrmal 9-5 job oR tHis? i haven even stArted aNd i'm wOrrying..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 10 November 2008 ;

The Begger and the Banker
There was a banker who would regularly drop a coin in a beggar's cup. Unlinke most people, the banker would insist on receiving one of he pencils the beggar had with him. The banker would say, "You are a merchant and I always expect to receive good value from the merchants with whom I do business." One day thebeggar was gone. Some years later, the bnker walked by a concesion stand and there was the former begger, now a shop keeper. The shopkeeper said, "I always hoped you might come by some day. You are largely responsible for me being here. You kept telling me that I was a merhant. I started thinking of myself that way. Instead of a beggar receiving gifts, I started selling pencils, lots of them. You gave me self-respect and caused me to look at myself differently.
Deep inside each person is the desire to achieve something, to be somebody.
tHere waS a sAle at cLubmArc.. i sPent aLmost an hOur inside..

oH.. hOw i've sInned!
btw, i'm mArried..

i aLso becAme poSter girl

den some fAmous pAinter pAinted mY potRait

u cAn sEe mE on billboARds

mOst imptly i noW haVe mY oWn lIne of fRagrAnces!

bUt thAts not enouGh foR tHe ambitIous mE! i fElt tHe neEd tO be...

u cAn dO aLL tHese tOo! no.. no need tO wk hArd.. just gO tO for a cHeap tHrill. pHotos not included. wAhaha! :P
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Saturday, 8 November 2008 ;
hAD my lasT paper yesTerday. :) International Monetary Economics.. The thing about 2hr papers is that from e moment the invigilator says start till the moment she says time's up, u can't stop writing.. its basically a writing marathon.. for 3hr papers at least i still have time to drink water.. 2hr papers? well i only have time to glance at the clock periodically.. and after scribbling like hell all i can do now is to pray that the marker understands my barely legible handwriting.. um.. ops? anw its aLL oVEr! afTer the papeR, kel and i went to eat shiOk mAki.. oh yes.. AUDREY!!! I HAVE BAD NEWS!!!! SHIOK MAKI HAS SHRUNK IN SIZE!!!! its like HALF its original sIze!!! aH.. disaPPOINtmentSSSS!!! gOsh.. i wAs sO sHocked when they sErved it yesT! i was like wondering "where's the other half?" sIgh.. now that its smaller, the only good thing that came out of it is that its easier to put it whole in your mouth.. but it takes the fun out of eating it.. GRRRR... i toOk pics but its still in my phone.. sighz.. but their sowrdfish sashimi is pretty good :) oh well.. with rising pRices i guess thats what theY HAVE to do (maybe.. but i'm not really convinced that they HAVE to do that.. its half the size! HALF! *eyEs wide in disbelief*) :(
wIll be dropping bY tEa cHapter laTer.. rem the 1st time i went there waS with Clarissa.. Its a nICe quiet place tO talk, read, play board games and simply rest & recharge.. :) mIss that girl..
yEst kEl and i went tO lUcky plaza's arcade.. that place holds memories.. bishy bashy is just different without the girl..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 6 November 2008 ;

Finally, marketing exam's over too.. As i got off the bus today on the way to school, i suddenly realised how old i seem compared to the majority of the students.. I think i still prefer going to school at night where there are many working adults bustling about.. haha.. in comparison, i feel younger..
Sighz.. has it really been three years ALREADY?? i still remember wHen i waS a freshie.. enthu abt sch, den in my second year, i was dying to graduate.. not because i hate school but simply because there is so much more to life than mugging and chasing after that piece of paper.. there are so many more things i wanna do.. so many more things to learn and to experience.. yet the bulk of my time is linked to school. Still, i like my course of study.. i like knowing the management aspect, i LOVE my major and i enjoy my minor.. in the blink of an eye, I'm a senior in school.. juniors ask me how to study this how to pass that.. just like how i tried to ask MY seniors then... when i wasn't busy with school, i was at tuition or guitar.. mostly tuition.. i'll always remember how i foolishly took on so many students in sem 4.. the killer semester.. and i naively tot that sem 4 was like any other semester and that if i could do 3 sems why can't i do this too? i can't remember how many projs i had that sem.. 9? 10? or more? around there anw.. and a handful of tests too.. how did i survive with 5 students that time? with some of them asking for tuitions twice a week.. and guitar classes! i remember telling myself over and over again "i am supergirl i am supergirl" as if telling myself that could make me stronger.. i dunno whether chanting that made me stronger but having passed throught that sem unscathed (except for a few minor injuries i.e only two distinctions) i know stress can't kill me. i'm bigger than that.. (ROAR! :p)
and then, there's the friendship forged through these 3 years.. :) enough said.
tml's my last paper as an undergrad.. i'll be back for more studying definately.. in areas that interest me, in areas that hlp me with my career etc.. but still.. i think i'm starting to miss school already.. damn.. -_-"
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 2 November 2008 ;
bEfore wE wEnt tO sTudy, wE wENt tO iKea tO sAtisfy sOme cRAvings..

aND aFter sAtisfying cRavings, wE had eNergy tO dO cRAzy sTuff..

aNd tHen its tIme tO mUg

aNother cRaving!! satIsfied :) all tHanks tO mY dEAr wHo wAlked tO dunno wHere to buy

dEAr wAS exTremely sWt.. he wANted tO gIv mE a sUrprise.. but i fOund oUt abt it.. (ok sorry.. next tIme i'll act sTUpid k?)

aNd as aLways, piCs other pple take are nICer..

its thE tOt tHat counts.. i'm rEAlly happy tO haVE someoNE who oCCasionally plants little sUrprises fOr nO rEason oTher tHAn waNting tO seE me sMile.. the little cArd tHat sinGs 'dun worry be happy' to cheer me up, the suPPer tHat he bought fOr me aFter nIght cLass, thE slide sHow tO kP me cOMpAny wHen he's out of tOwn, hlping me w mY projs, giving me ideaS fOr mY reporTs.. etc.. good enuf.. good enuf :) i'm very blessed tO haVe u..
(ahem.. that doesn't mean u can slack! keep it up! ahem.. :p) aCtually waT i eNjoy mOst is hIs company.. :) w hiM arnd its just enuf alr :) wE enJoy dOing the sAme rUbbish aNd tHinking sAme tOts..
u kNow wHat tHey saY abt everyday being valeNtines dAy wHen u're w tHe right pERson? well, its tRue.. :)
oR sO sHe sAys..-