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Tuesday, 28 October 2008 ;

bcOs i sAid its a nIce sOng, he weNt tO e tRouble tO fInd a 12yrS old cd thaTs out of "pRint".. *hugz* if u kEep dOing tHings like tHis, u're gOnna sPoil mE..

rOar! i lOve u! =p

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Saturday, 25 October 2008 ;
as always.. i start to doubt.. as always.. i can't conclude..

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Tuesday, 21 October 2008 ;

oN oUR 6th months aNniversary we dEcided tO dO something dIfferent.. insTEad of eaTting at a restaUrant, insTead of HIM thinkinG oF wAt tO dO, i dEcided tO gIv him a sUrprise.. aFterall, i lOve planning sUrpriseS! tHere wEre (of cOs) uneXpected hIccups bUt thankfully all went well.. i plAnned a menU and brought along an ice box.. the menu incld. lobster salad, salmon craze (5 different salmon sushi done differently and 1 serving of sashimi), sun maki, inari cheese, strawberry kisses, a small cake and nan san sake.. my plan was to bring out an ice box and put all these inside and we'll go to somewhere nIce like along the SG river or at vIvo to eat.. HOWEVER, as usual, things have to go wrong.. 1st, it started rAining.. damn.. den, my order was taken wrongly.. next, there were no more mini cakeS left in sweEt sEcretS! THEN, nO mOre nAn sAn sAke.. aND, nO more inari cheese on their menu but its still on their online menu! dAMn.. so i had tO tWist mY menU.. bUt we ended up w better sAke tHan nan san so it was good :) on the waY tO vivo he suggested we go Mt. Faber instead.. so off we went.. and guess wat? it stopped raining.. -_-" aNd in mY exCitement tO keep the fOod a sEcret i tOtally fOrgot to take piCs! beSides, we were reaLLY hungry.. sIghz... gOod fOod, gOod cOmpany.. wAts nOt tO like?

happy 6 mths! :)

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Sunday, 12 October 2008 ;

with the bleak finacial situation cuRrently, its reaLLy a bad tIme tO be in tHis line.. itS nOt a bad tIme tO eNter the markEt bUt i'm sUre oNly fincial sTudents aNd cErtain investors woUld agree.. if u asK mE, i'll tell u thiS is a gOod tIme tO enter tHe maRket.. tHese fEW montHs at least.. its a gOod tIme tO watCh aNd cAtch tHe right mOment tO buy.. bUt wHo'll believe tHe advIce oF aN undeRgRAd? eVen tHou i've been rIght a fEW tImes before bUt sInce i did not even trusT mY own aDvice tHen, i cOuld only rEgret nOt putting mOney tO my wOrds.. sTill, i guess this industry is onE wHere an oldeR aGe is an aDvantaGE unlike maNy others..

fAcing tHe cUrrent sItuation, i sEe sEveral paths aHead of mE.. tO cOntinue studying (at tHe exPense of mY mUmmy's sAvingS!?!? eVen thOugh its a lOad bUt...) oR gIve it mY beSt sHot aT fInancial aDvisoRY? if i cHoose tO sTudy tHen in SG? or oVersEAs? sIghz.. life is full of choices... none of these would be a "wrong" choice.. but which is the "bEst" choice??

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Friday, 10 October 2008 ;

u maKe mY dAY bEtter :) wAs rEAlly sUrprised wHen i oPened it unassumingly aNd it sTarted belting out "dun worry be happy".. haha.. *lovE*

昨天在报纸上看到这篇文章。。它的标题吸引了我。。他说“女人需要养”。。 岂有此理!女人不需要养!但是在骂作者之前,我决定先读一读他的短文再骂。。 可是读了之后,我还有一点赞同他的说法。。女人需要养。。不是什么都不做,而被养。。我赞同的部分是,女人需要修养和保养。。修养最重要。。老了,没有了美貌,却要有修养和智慧。。女人啊女人。。你赞同吗?

tHis reminds mE of tHe 10 o'clock sHow on cHannel U.. it rOx.. i especially love the phrase e brand manager used on the assistant brand manager

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Sunday, 5 October 2008 ;

if i dUn lOve you, i would..

1. Sleep better last night..
2. Be able to concentrate more on everything..
3. Not be worried for you, constantly afraid of your nightmare coming true..
4. Not shout at you like a mad woman..
5. Have less heartache..
6. Not have swollen eyes due to crying..

bUt i cAn't help it bUt love you.. nO wonder ppl sAy there's a price to pAy fo everythinG.. incLudng lOve..

tHe laSt quaRter of tHE yeaR is aLways a sEason fOr bREakups.. a sEasOn fOr tEars.. a seAson fOr dEpression..

wLd u aDd on tO tHe list? i dUnno...

sOmetImes wE nEed silenCe.. bUt sOme tImes wE nEed nOise..

oUr 1St official cold war/quarrel? wE're becOming like a rEal cOuple..

bUt eVery reAl r/sp haS a lifesPan..
i wAN tO tell u, 'dUn lEave'.. bUt i wOuld aLso like tO know, wHen oh wHen, dOes tHe "foreVer" tHat u aLways meNtion, end?
aT tHe eNd of tHe dAy, peRphAPs we'rE all aLone.. i neEd tO leArn how tO lOve u less sO i cAn wOrry less.. i nEed tO close mY eYes mORe aNd leArn aGain, hOw tO fEel.. aNd onCe aGain, sUpergIrl nEeds tO rEmember hOw tO fLy.. like hOw sHe used tO..
i fInally undERstand aNother wAy of cOmprehanding tHis pHrase..
"i haTe tHe fact tHat i lOve you."

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Friday, 3 October 2008 ;
i hAd a rEAlly wonDErful bIrthday tHis yeaR.. tHaNks tO eVeryonE's bIrthday wIshes.. *hugz eVeryone* :)

sHall let pIcs dO tHe tAlking..

oF cOs, i dIdn geT tO tAke sUch a gOod pIc of tHe plaCe w mY lOusy vIewty cAmera.. sO tHis is fRom thEir wEbby.. :) (i sTill mIss mY SE pHone.. sOb) dO cHeck out tHe plaCe.. its pRetty gOod..

33 Hyderbad Road

tHanks fOr eVerything..
"w/o you aRound, eVerything beComes boRing.." sAme tO you mY deAR, sAme tO you..

oR sO sHe sAys..-