Sunday, 28 September 2008 ;


hm... wAs tHat a cUtie i saW?

i fEel liKe bAshing u up! (haha.. kd!)

lAst pRoj...
gRAduating sOon.. nExt tUEs will be mY last cLass for mY undergRad sTudies.. tIme fLies..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 ;
oR sO sHe sAys..-

5 months.. we have a long way to go.. 谁才是谁的未来?谁才是谁的‘对的人’?tIme will tell.. nO matter wHAt haPpens in e fUture, i just wAn tO tHank you fOr the past 5 months..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 14 September 2008 ;

its hard.. its hard being a perfect gf.. its harder trying to be e perfect gf the perfect daughter the perfect student the perfect tutor and the perfect sister and the perfect fren all at the same time.. perphaps u wld say that one doesn have to be perfect.. one just has to try her best.. and its enuf.. i suppose.. but ur definition of enuf will never be the same as another's definition of enuf..
yest, no matter wat decision i make, i will disappoint someone. and that someone is not me. there are 3 ppl involved.. but why is it that no one can stand in my shoes? he sees it fr his view, and is disappointed w me. she sees it in her view, and thinks that she has won the debate.. what abt me? i see it fr both sides and struggles to decide. why can't they both see it fr my side as well as the opposing side as well? its no fun being stuck in the centre..
perphaps i shld stop this bad habit of taking their happiness as my happiness.. but when she says she's proud of me, i bask in that praise.. for a long time.. and when he smiles that smile, saying he's so touched, so happy w what i've done, i am happy. but for a long time, she's not been proud of me.. she's been ashamed of me.. for whatever her reasons are and for however she defines success and goodness of character. and wHen i sense he's not happy and when he says he's disappointed, i cried.. i can't believe i actually cried..
my life's a bloody mess.. i shld never have given up that dream and that person.. gave up that dream to make someone happy and gave up that person to lack of courage. i'm a wuss.. and now, no one is happy.. especially myself..
i hate being stuck in the middle.. i hate catering to everyone's bloody feelings except my own.. i hate having to placate everyone while leaving my own emotions in tatters.. i hate the way my life has turned out.. i hate the mess i've made out of my own life..
can i start life all over again?
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 11 September 2008 ;
mEt up w aUdrey aNd rHoda yest.. gUess tHis is wHat fRens are lIke.. i sEe them lesS tHan 3 tImes a yeAr.. bUt nO matter wHen oR wHere, i fEel so comfortAble w tHem.. tHey knOw mE fOr wHo i reaLLy am (aNd sTill like me).. haha.. fRens.. fOrever! :D
aFter quitting guitaR thaT dAY i wAS fEeling sO miserable i waS cRaving fOr mY comforT dRink.. mIlo + vOdka i knOw it sOunds wEird bUt u've gOt tO tRY it.. u'll lOve it.. i love making hEAthy dRinks not sO healthy.. haha.. aNw, sO in an aTtempt tO sTop me fRom cRying more aNd fLooding tHe cAR, kEl wAS tRying tO find plaIn vodka tO nO avail.. acc to him, tis shop keeper recommended him this...

its a mIx of lycHee, raSpberry, coGnac & vOdka.. it sMelt like cough syrup aT 1st anD i wAs sO put ofF by it.. it tASted a-l-r-i-g-h-t bUt not gREat.. aNd its sWeetness wAs ovErwhelming.. buT afTer putting it in mIlo, mY gOsh.. there's nO going bacK man... i'm sAYing bye to plain boring vodka with mIlo aLready.. haha.. its highly reCommended.. but then again, its "for girls only".. maYbe cos of its sWeetness.. kel saId its quite sTrong thou.. but its fruity sweetness really blends well w milo.. siGhz.. i'm in lOve...
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 10 September 2008 ;

i finally quit guitar.. and... i cried.. 走了三年的路。。好舍不得。。。刚开始,是为了纪念某某人。。后来真的爱上了。。到今天终要离别。。
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 8 September 2008 ;
太陽和月亮哪個比較重要 ?
那位老先生想了半天,回答道 :
為什麼 ?
你或許會笑這位老先生糊塗,但你不覺得很多人也是這樣嗎 ?
這不是跟「感激月亮,否定太陽」一樣糊塗嗎 ?
可又拉不下臉回家吃飯。一直到了晚上,她來到一家麵攤旁, 聞到了陣陣的香味,
忽然,老闆親切的問 :「小姐,妳要不要吃麵啊 ?」
她不好意思的回答 :「嗯。可是 ……我沒有帶錢 ……」
老闆聽了大笑 :「哈哈,沒關係,今天就算老闆請客吧 ! 」
她吃得津津有味,並說 :「老闆,你人真好 !」
老闆說 :「哦 ? 怎麼說 ?」
女孩接著回答 :「對啊!我們素不相識,你卻對我那麼好,
不像我媽,根本不了解我的需要和想法,真氣人 !」
老闆又笑了 :「哈,小姐,我才不過給妳一碗麵而已,妳就這麼感激我,
那麼妳媽媽幫妳煮了二十幾年的飯,妳不是更應該感激她嗎 ?」
被老闆這麼一講,女孩頓時有如大夢初醒,眼淚瞬間奪眶而出 !
她的心立刻揪在一起 ! 有一千句、一萬句的對不起想對媽媽說。
還沒來得及開口,只見媽媽已迎了上前 :「唉呦 ! 妳一整天跑去那裡了啊 ?
嚇死我了! 來,進來把手洗一洗,吃晚飯了。」
因為白天已經夠亮了,太陽不是多餘的嗎 ?
所以,兩者都很重要,讓我們好好學習「饮水思源」吧 !
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 1 September 2008 ;

wEnt fOr COMEX on sUnday.. mET an eXcolleague and his cOusin.. haha.. wIsh i could sTay longer but sUcky MC test on tUes sAid nO.. aNw waS eyeing EEE 1000H initially.. bUt i eNded up buying MSI Wind.. its not a popular brand in SG but the sPEcs aRe BETTER tHan EEE.. a tad more eX thou.. but totALLy worth it.. howevER, its sold ouT anD i haVe tO waIt till the enD of tHE month.. i can haRdly wAit tO get my haNds on thAT little bEAuty! *lOves* it shall be TOTALLY for work uSE..:) *hAPpy*
i wAs happy till i rEached home aNd found Axioo wAs at the fAir afterall! (Axioo is a local brand) aNd kel anD i weRE looking for it.. we were at thiS retailer that carries Asus, Axioo, Acer and some other brands but Axioo wasn't explicitly stated on the list and we didn see it! we missed it! omg.. and it was selling this nice model that looked (and has very very similar specs to MSI) just like EEE 1000H, just like mY dEAr little MSI but at almost $200 cheaper than mY MSI! gRr! but i asked for an upgrade on the RAM which will be done b4 sealing the warranty thing so its still valid, so i can't complain.. kel was telling me to tell myself maybe Axioo is 2kg! maybe! haha.. alright.. its 2kg.. (yeah right..) i feel better already.. haha.. another reason that prompted me to buy MSI is that the svc centre is at AMK only! haha.. and after upgradin the RAM i'm TOTALLY pleased with the specs.. with that size, 160GB HDD and 2GB RAM makes me happy.. wait the best part is here.. with a SIX cells battery it only weighs a........ 1.3kG!!! tada! and with normal 3 cells it weighs 1.1kg.. oh.. love comes in a 10" package.. when is my MSI coming??!! actually if its not for work purpose, i'll have gotten the white in ltd edn.. with silver curvy lines and hearts.. but as a PROFESSIONAL FA, sighz.. i'm reduced to worshipping black.. damn.. professionalism can come in colours can't it? :(
anw i've got to thank kel for gathering info for me, talking to this fren of his who works at PC Clinic, bugging him for info and comments on EEE, MSI, Gigabyte and other funny brands.. and of cos, hearing me talk to myself over and over since i usually make decisions only after i've talked to myself for at least 72 hours while ppl beside me suffer fr hearing the same cost bebefit analysis done atleast 1000 times.. sighz.. love can come in 10" but it can also come in a hugable belly of 17X cm and XX kg.. haha.. love love love.. i'm a happy girl.. =D
oR sO sHe sAys..-