w the tEsts aRnd the cOrner (is tml applicable to 'arnd e corner?') these aRe my only mOtivAtion.. :( which of coS eXplains my lousy complexion.. aNd dO sUpporT tHis yogUrt sHop! its a fRanchise fR U.S opEnEd by kEl's fRen.. outsIde suntEc cArrefour, there's this aRea of sMall sTalls.. its jUSt opposIte sHi lin.. tHeir fRuit tOppings aRE fREsh aNd nICe.. i tRied tHeir oRiginal anD maNgo fLavoured yOgurT.. nICe! tHey dun usE aRtificIaL colouRing and flavouring aT all.. sO its reALly healthy anD naTural.. sHe rEcommanded me maNgo tOppings sO i tRied.. tHeir mangos aRe fR pakIstan aNd aRE rEally sWeet! if u haPPen tO be in sUnteC dO gIve it a tRy! :) nEw lOves.. tHe pUppy's tHe nEw bOdygUard of tHe cAR... it rEceived a promotion aFter gUarding mY pERfumes fOr a fEw mOnths.. :p a fEw dAys aGo, i had tHe cHAnce tO gO fOr bKfasT @ maC w mUmmy @ sgn gdns.. *lOve* :) that, was a really happy day..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 25 August 2008 ;
when i was slightly younger, i've always envisioned mY dREam guy to be the kind who'll appear in turtleneck sweater & jeans.. much like the steve jobs style. with or without specs, he'll be the mr. nice guy / bookworm type.. thin, tall, well read but not boring.. when my fren heard that i'm into turtleneck sweaters and jeans she said i was cruel.. "How can u torture a man in singapore like that?" were her exact words.. she prefered a t shirt, berms & slippers guy.. tanned.. the sportsman type..
today, i bumped into a guy who's the sweater & jeans type.. he's always been around but i've never "noticed" him.. but as he "popped" out from the corner, i wondered why i had never "noticed" him.. perphaps its bcos he just seems like a bookworm but he isn.. thats why.. maybe i should stay overseas for a while.. those places where the av temp is arnd 20 deg C to 28 deg C.. maybe then i'll find guys who dress a la steve jobs.. and i can sit there and drool.. :p
tHis, is a fREakin g nIce sOng.. 有些情绪是该说给懂的人听.. hOw tRue..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 21 August 2008 ;
hEy, this cIte is intErestinG! haVing minOred in maRketing, i'm moRe tHan haPpy tO join focUs gRoups, tRy sAmples aNd blah blah blah.. exPerience wHat we've leArnt! jOin it! :D
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 20 August 2008 ;
hAppy 4mths dArling.. i'll rem us dAncing tO bAllade pOur aDeline & elTOn joHn on tHE brIdge.. fOreVer..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Tuesday, 19 August 2008 ;
just like the way i missed the chance to tell da bao i like him.. just like the way you missed the chance to woo ivy..
you missed the chance to let me have a snapshot memory that i can and will keep forever.
if you do smtg bcos i asked u to, no matter how romantic the action is, it will never be as touching as you volunteering to do it.
tHe evening was perfect. near perfect. you could have made it perfect. but you didn. i could have made it perfect by not playing tat game. but i did. as usual, i should have kept my mouth shut.
perphaps i'm too demanding.. asking for a snapshot moment may be too much.. afterall, i may be the only ambitious person in this relationship. Even alone, i'm ambitious. i wan to grow intellectually, emotionally & physically stronger. I've set myself sky high targets in my future career. targets that you dun know. no one knows. i dun really dare to tell anyone. they'll just say i'm dreaming and i know that would affect my morale. nevertheless, I hope you grow with me and share my ambitions. i hope my partner shares these mindsets and have the drive to improve. but perphaps all along i'm the only one who is never satisfied for long with status quo. you are good enuf. perphaps so am i. but WE, can be better.
to me, life is about living to be the best that we can be. i want to try everything. and excel in something. just one thing. perphaps to you, that is too demanding already.
i know wat i want in life. how about you? if you have the ans, tell me.. will you?
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 14 August 2008 ;
Chaos is when any system is so complex and irregular that it appears to be random unless you know a lot of hidden information about it. Chaos is lovely, it is absolutely wonderful. It is full of all sorts of intriguing forms and behaviours. Ian Stewart
Relativity eliminated the Newtonian illusion of absolute time and space; quantum theory eliminated the Newtonian dream of a controllable measurement process; and chaos eliminates the Laplacian fantasy of deterministic predictability. [1] [1]Quoted in James Gleick (1987) Chaos, Little, Brown, New York.
French mathematician Henri Poincaré wrote with great insight in 1908: A very small cause, which escapes us, determines a considerable effect which we cannot ignore, and then we say that this effect is due to chance. [2]
Nothing fails like success.
Richard Pascale [1]
[1]Richard Pascale (1990) Managing on the Edge, Simon & Schuster, New York.
We are better at predicting events at the edge of the galaxy or inside the nucleus of an atom than whether it will rain on Aunty's garden party three Sundays from now, because the problem turns out to be different ... It is the best possible time to be alive, when almost everything you thought you knew is wrong.
Tom Stoppard, Arcadia
All aspects of business—all products, all activities, all methods—have an information structure at their core that has long been hidden, just like the genetic code of plants ... executives will have to create new genetic structures for their businesses.
Jay Walker, internet entrepreneur
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 10 August 2008 ;
lEtter pER dAY.. sWeet.. bUt i'll sTill mIss u..
mY fAv bUtter pOpcoRn jEllybeaNs jUSt dUn taSte aS gOod w/o u tO sHare tHem w mE.. eVen tHou tHis means i gET tO eaT less, tHE enjoymeNt is sOmehow, dOuble..
cOme back sOon!
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Saturday, 9 August 2008 ;
bReakfASt sUppER sNack lOve . .. . keL's leaving fOr HK tml oN cO. confERence.. sIghz.. i diDn actually think i'll miss him tOo much tIll noW.. he's sucH gOod compaNy wAt wld i dO w/o mY fEllow CRapstEr? i gAve hIm a bodyguard-in-a-box tO bRing ovEr.. tOday, kEl gAve me a CD & told me tO wATCh it wHen i mIss hIm.. oNce i gOt hOme i pOpped it in tHe cOm anD i waS sTill waIting for it tO load wHile fiddling wIth sOme sTUff on tHE tAble wHen mY fav sOng sTarted pLAying.. & wAt fOllowed wAS a rEAlly sWeet fLash.. *aWw~* & he dRopped mE a surprise in tHE leTTerbox wHich i'm itChing tO gO reTrive bUt its tOo laTE.. i miSS hIm alREAdy.. :(
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Tuesday, 5 August 2008 ;
fLu sEems tO be gEtting wOrse.. i'm sO dEAd.. zZzzZzzZzZ..
mAnager askEd me aBout the oRigins oF mY eMail.. haha raspberry_ teardrop.. well..memories.. anw went back office to apply for license today and YAY! i met Joe! a fellow newbie fr my FCP training class.. had a good catching up session.. :) todaY is a haPPy day..
yeSt caught up w another fRen.. leTs call hIm N.. he finally found a job he enjoys and an employer who appreciates him.. i'm so happy for him.. in the design line its not simply a matter of how "good/bad" u are.. good or bad is pretty subjective.. i think he's good.. told him to have faith in himself.. and now, finally.. :) i'm so happy for him.. but that funny fellow thanked me by making me sound like a torchlight! he said something like "u're like a light.. blah blah blah.. with rechargable batteries.. keep recharging!" haha.. tHanks.. a lot.. haha..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 4 August 2008 ;
因为现在很幸福。。幸福得很怕。。很怕是一场梦。。 很怕一切会突然不见掉。。原来幸福comes with a secret little box.. box contains fear and uncertainty.. i've been dating enuf to know these dun last.. one day we'll treat each other for granted... one day we'll be sick of seeing ech other.. one day.. even thou he insist forever is within reach.. 我还是很怕。。
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 3 August 2008 ;
dEspite mY tErrible flU, i wEnt ouT w kEl yeSt cOs he neEded tO bUy sHoes aNd wE weRe supposeD tO meEt hIs fRens fOr the bdAe cElebration for hIm and a fRen.. I totally forgot abOut it aNd waS rAther pisSed aT having tO gO oUt cOs i wAsn fEeling wEll.. mY heaD waS tHrobbing, nOse wAS likE a tAp (eithER tHat or a blOcked DRain).. bUt eVerytime i wAnted to sHop he wAS sO uncOmplaining even aS i wEnt tO N sHops beFore maKing a dEcision aNd rEpeaTedly aSking "sHould i bUy thiS?" or "aRe u sUre its nIcE?".. sO wHen he wants tO bUy sTuff i rEally sHldn be sElfisH! sO i wEnt.. aNd i knOw keL rEAlly wanTs mE tO gO tO tHe dinner tHing.. sO i wEnt.. sUrprIsingly, i dIdn rEgREt gOing! i dIdn eXpect tO find hIs fRiends sUch intEResting cOmpany.. i had fun and if i waSn sIck i'll have sTayed longer aFter dInner aNd wenT fOr a dRink w tHem tOo.. iT wAs tEn of us in aLL aNd yeT all of tHem aRe cHatty fRiendly pple.. (cRAppy aNd funny tOo!) gEe.. i'm glad it tUrned ouT well.. :)
i oFficially haVe a nEw FAVOURITE sHoe sHop.. its.. TADA! HEATWAVE! heAtwAve absolutely ROX.. nOt tHat this is a nEw discovERy bUt heAtwaVE aT hArbourfront haS nIce sErvice perSonals i guess.. compared to tHe fAR eAst oUtlet.. tHe beST ting is, tHey haVe 1/2 sizes! fOr me, sIx is a tad tIght.. seven is a tad lOose.. u might think that all deCent shoe sHops haVe 1/2 size! nO! URS doeSn.. Charles & kEith dOesn.. pRettyfit dOesn.. i dunno abt Pazzion but my guess is nO. anW hEAtwaVe shoes are comfy.. aNd sleek.. tHe sillettos maKe me wAnt tO wEar tHem tO bed.. wOo~ aNw i rEally sHould STOP buying tHe sAme tYpe of sHoes.. cOvereD bLack hEels.. pointEd, maTT, sHiny, round tOe, eTC.. i seem tO jUSt fInd bLack pumps sO sExy i cAN't buy enuf oF tHem.. GR.. i've gOt tO sTop buying bLack pumpS!
bTw, i wAS rUshing sOMe laSt min cHanges in WIL and a fREn insisted oN lending me hiS laptOp cOs its fAster tHat waY.. aNd he whipped out hIs macbook air.. gee.. i've read enuf reviews abt it to know its pretty but its user friendly too! i'm in love.. haha..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
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