Thursday, 31 July 2008 ;
tHis is rEAlly too mUch of a cOincideNce.. mY gUitar tEAcher wAS bOrn on eXactly thE sAme daY as kEl! haha.. sO i prOmiseD laO sHi a piEce on tHe pIano next wEek aS a bIrthdAY tHingy.. tHey cOuld haVe beEn neIghboURs in tHeir baBy cOt! (sAYs lAO sHi) haha..

kEl's bDae cAke.. oNly tWO of us sO a pUny oNe wOuld dO haha.. i nEed tO hIde it in mY baG leH! tSk..

tHE bDae bbQ.. tHere's mOre fOod tHan tHAt.. bUt i wAS hUngry tO sNAp pICs.. aNd wE bbq-ed sAlmon! bUt fOrgOt tO aDd cOndimENts.. dIaoz.. sO it wAs plain bUT sAlmon-ish.. nOt tOo baD.. hahaa.. (excUses..)

aNd tHAt eVening, tHe sKy wAS bEAutifUl :)
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 28 July 2008 ;
fInally wEnt tO trY mA mAison @ cenTRal yeSt.. kEl's bdAy dInner.. wAS sUpposeD tO be tOday.. lUnch.. bUt i haVe clASses sO haVe tO push it fOrward & dO someTHing elSE tOdaY :) aMbienCe wAS gOod, fOod wAS gOod.. nOthing tO cOMplain abOut.. tHe eScaRgot tHou, wAs nOt as fAntastIC as wHat tHE reViews sAid.. sTill, its pREtty gOod.. 1/2 wAy tHru dInner, kEl aSKed me wHEther i knEw wAt oCcasion it wAS..
mE "wEll.. isN it one dAY b4 uR bdaY? nO? ok.. um.. mummy's bdAy? sIster's? nO? bRother's? um.."
kEl "itS oUr 100th dAY tOgeTHer.. :)"
nEver tOt of counting tHe dAYs.. not tO meNtion rEmembering it.. *tOuched*
dEn i wAS maDe tO dO a 'treAsure hunt' fOr tHE gIft in his cAR.. it cOuld be aNywheRe bUt i oNly haVE 2 mIns.. haha.. bUT sTill, deSpite tHE disTractions he laId, i FOUND IT! a botTle of 100 "i love you"s in 100 dif languages.. oNe fOr eVerydaY wE're tOgetHer.. sIghz.. i lOVe mY dEAr.. oh & haPpy birTHdaY daRling (aFterthought.. :p)

oR sO sHe sAys..-
Saturday, 26 July 2008 ;
i finally understand wHy we are often told not to go into a relationship as a student.. with my commitments, i'm unable to do my best both as a girlfriend as well as a student.. i passed mY m9 last night.. even with a passing maRk of 88.. I did pass.. but i was ill prepared.. honestly, this was one of tHose papeRs wherE i went in thinking "oh forget it... i'm going to take it again anw so just relax and tikam la".. reminded me oF mY J1 days whEn i tOok C matHs paper.. every paper i went in knowing i'm going to die.. for m5 and m8 i was nervous, hoping to pass cos i studied.. i had more confidence for m8 cos afterall as a finance student i believe i shouldn be failing a paper thats only on financial instruments.. but m9.. much to the surprise of kEl, i simply lefT my undone past year papers & TB (read once) in the car; when for m5 & m8 i wAs hurriedly flipping tHru till i wAS at the dOor of the exam rOom.. THIS WILL NOT DO!
aNd i wAS wOrse aS a gf.. i'm supposeD tO tUrn up at kel's co. bbq (invited by excolleagues) to give hIm a birthday sUrprise.. bUt dUE tO assigNments undone, i've have tO gIve it a mIss.. eVen thOu keL hinted tHat he'd loVe mY compaNy at tHE bbq.. dUe to sChool, i can only spend an eVening w him on hiS bdaE eVen thou he tOok leaVe hoping to sPend tHE daY w me.. aNd tHis is tHE wORsT.. I HAVEN BOUGHT HIM A GIFT! (his birthday is in 2 days tIme.. oh one and a half to be exact) i haD NO tIme tO sHop for a gift for him anD i rESorTed tO asking hIm tO cHoose & i'll jusT paY.. sO 'bo sim'!! i fEel sO baD aBt it.. bUt he knew i wAs in a hUrry tO gO home tO dO mY assignments sO he tOok a quiCK wAlk aRound citY cHain & declaREd nothing caUght his eYe & we sHould gO.. aND he aSked me tO jUst geT him aNything tHat easy fOr me tO buy aNd sInce i'm buying him dinner aLready, he dOesn wAnt a gIft.. *aWw~* i hAVe tHE beSt bf in tHe wOrld wHo occaSionally sPrings pleAsant sUrpriseS fOr me, rEms all tHe impt dATes (like, we gOt tOgether on a tHurs.. rEAlly?) peelS prAwns fOr me, fEed me, reMOve chicken bones fRm wIngs fOr me (and it still looks like a wIng!), gIves in tO all mY wilfUl wHIms & fAncies, heLps mE w mY reSearch, dO cRazy sTuff w mE.. wHat haVe i dOne fOr hIM? gRr.. i fEel like tHe wOrst gf evEr.. aNd agAin, THIS WILL NOT DO!
aND, i haVen gOne ouT w mY mUm in AGES.. THIS WILL NOT DO TOO!
i can't dO mY beST in bOth aREas.. its tIme tO prioritise.. sIghz.. =(
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 24 July 2008 ;

tHis, cAught my eYe.. sUbsequently, tHe words cAught mY heaRt.. :) tHere's a time and plaCe fOr eVerything.. sImilarly, thEre's a reAson fOr eVerything tHat happeNs..
vIsited BotaK Jones' 10th oUtlet.. its sO neaR mY plACE! i'm sUper dElighted.. fOrgot tO sNap a piC of hIs cajUn cHicken bUT its not bad.. i sImply haTe bREast mEAt.. nOt thE faUlt of tHe cHef..

fOund tHis reAlly hilariouS sPelling eRror on tHeir businEss cArd AND on tHeir cArriers.. sIghz.. fOr gOodness sAke, BUSINESS CARD LEH! tYpo??! it sHows hOw mUch tHey DUN care aBout repuTation.. zzz..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 23 July 2008 ;

i'm sO excIted aBout WALL.E tHat kEl went tO fInd its rIngtOne foR me.. thE antIcipation is rEally killing mE.. 28th Aug.. i cAn't waIt?
"wHat if mAnkind haD tO leave eaRth, aNd sOmeoNe fOrgot tO tuRn tHe last rObot oFf?"
u know? that someone cOuld jolly wEll be me tHAnks tO blurness.. gRr..
aNw, dO gO tO tHe web pg to view the clips! tHey're hilarious!

kIssing bUrns cAlories! wAt arE we wAiting fOr mAn?! hAha!
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 21 July 2008 ;
觉得自己很没有用。。已经很久没有被别人气到哭。。以为 JC 对我是很好的训练。。 那段时间我确实受到很好的“训练”。。 可是这次我被打败了。。 女人和苦畏难女人?她被欺负,我却什么都不能做。。只会在那里哭。。同事问我为什么选这行。。说好听的,是因为我喜欢和不同的人接触,不喜欢呆在办公室里。。说穿了,这行让我能在最短的时间赚很多钱。。能让我在最短的时间内实现梦想。。让我好好照顾她。。让她舒服一点,让她不需要被欺负。。也许这是为什么我不太喜欢她的男人。。一个不懂得保护自己的女人的男人,让我瞧不起。。
Anw enough abOut dEpressing sTuff..
On oUr 3rD mTh aNniversarY, wE went tO GaylanG Serai - Malay Village, Mint Museum of Toys fOr eNtertaInment & Sun w Moon for fOod..

oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 17 July 2008 ;
A Sort funny story
Wrong E-Mail
It's wise to remember how easily email -- this wonderful technology -- can be misused, sometimes unintentionally, with serious consequences.
Consider the case of the Illinois man who left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email.
Unfortunately, when typing her address, he missed one letter, and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher's wife whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the grieving widow checked her email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint.
At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:
Dearest Wife,
Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow.
P.S. Sure is hot down here.
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 16 July 2008 ;

oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 14 July 2008 ;
I bougHt nEw sHoes aGain! mY bRo tHinks i bUy sHoes tOo oFten.. aNw tHis pair is sO nOt me.. 1st, its kItty hEels.. i've aLways hated tHem cOs tHey mAke u waLk like u're in taLLer heels bUt give u nOne oF tHe hEight aDvantage.. 2ndly, its bAby PINK! wOo~ sO nOt me eH? bUt kEl saYs its nIce sO i bOught it :)

i kEep having the uRge tO cUt mY hair sHort.. like.. rOu gU mei's haIr.. tHat kind of sHort.. bUt i dun have the couraGe tO.. :(
kEl is noW laBelled aS mY pOtentially hUnky dEAr.. haha w hIs cUrrent mass, if hE tOnes hIs fAts tO mUscles, he'll be sO hunky! *dRools* sO he's beEn dOing cRunchEs aNd plaYing bball w hIs fRens anD wE plAY table tennis eVery wk.. aCtually i dUn mInd eVen if he sTays like hIs cUrrent sIze.. i'll sTill loVe hIm. bUt if he's hunky he'll be mOre dRool-worThy thats all haha..

tHe tUmmy he's cOmmittEd tO lOse..

nIcE vIew @ vIvo

a gLimpsE of tHe nAtional dAy reHersal

gOod cOmpany :)
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 10 July 2008 ;
Just Five More Minutes by: Author Unknown, Source Unknown
While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. Thats my son over there,she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding down the slide.
He's a fine looking boy, the man said. Thats my daughter on the bike in the white dress. Then, looking at his watch, he called to his daughter. What do you say we go, Melissa? Melissa pleaded, Just five more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five more minutes. The man nodded and Melissa continued to ride her bike to her heart's content. Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his daughter. Time to go now? Again Melissa pleaded, five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes. The man smiled and said, OK. My, you certainly are a patient father,the woman responded.
The man smiled and then said, her older brother Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with Tommy and now I'll give anything for just five more minutes with him. I've vowed not to make the same mistake with Melissa.
She thinks she has five more minutes to ride her bike. The truth is, I get Five more minutes to watch her play. Life is all about making priorities, what are your priorities?
Give someone you love 5 more minutes of your time today!
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 7 July 2008 ;
mY k770i is officially brain damaged.. i proMptly sOld it aS sOon as it waS deClared brain deaD.. tHank gOodneSs keL has aNother line tHat he cAn recontRact and sO i gOt anOther pHone.. aNd i cHoose tHE vIewty! i lOve it.. haVe tO tHank keL fOr tHe pHone.. tHat iDiot bluffed me sAying he'll pay fOr it 1st aNd asK me tO paY him lAter.. i tOt its tO dO w tHe eGo tHing tHat guys aRe sO hung up oVer sO i sAid ok.. aNd nOw he cLaims tHAt at tHat poiNt iN tIme he sAid "i paY for it first" insTead of "i pay fOr it 1st, later tHen u reTurn me" wHich i tot i heARd... aNw, i lOve tHe vIewty! its sO nICe tO use.. cAmera wIse i sTill miss mY old pHone a lot a lot a lot.. bUt well, nO point gETTing back tHE sAme phone sInce its "value-less" alreaDY.. tOt of geTTing tHe neW cYber-sHot pHOne C902 bUt tHe buttons aRe a pAin tO pRess aNd tHe pRice is sTeepEr tOo.. sIghz... i sHouldn haVe dRopped mY pHone.. gR..

wEnt iKea tO gET cUrtains tWo dAYs baCk.. bOught 2 seTs! aNd i lOve bOth :D
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 3 July 2008 ;
oNce aGain, seRvice cEnters in singApore haS fAiled tO impress mE.. SE helpdEsK gUys weRe poLite & nIce eNough bUt tHey cAn dO little fOr mE.. oN tHe fActory sIde, deSpite nUmeroUs cAlls, i've yeT tO sPeak tO a hUman.. aNd i wAs dIrectEd fRom onE plaCe tO aNother (pURe fInger poiNting, dUn u tHink?) aNd eNded up mAKing a BIG rOund aNd gEtting baCk at mY stArting poInt.. sO typIcal Singapore sYstem.. i think i will "miss it" if i eVer wK or sTay oVersEas.. sIghz.. mY pOor pHone...
oMg.. i tOok tHis pERsonality tEst aNd its sO sUper dUper aCcurATe! haha.. its a "wHat dO u mOst oFten sAy tO ur bf qUiz" aNd it qUotes mE almOst wOrd fOr wOrd!
"I'm sOrry fOr being laTe all tHe tIme bUt fOr aLL tHe cUteneSs u geT fRom me i'm sUre u wLdn be aNgry." haha! wEll i oFten sAY "i'm sO sOrry fOr being laTE bUt dear, i'm wOrth tHe wAit isn it? *wInkz*" gEez...
lOve ligHts up tHe heARt & nOuriShes tHe sOul..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 2 July 2008 ;

i can't be mOre unlucKy.. i dRopped mY phone intO tHe tOilet bowL yeSt. tHankfully i've FLUSHED ALREADY befOre it fell in. G-R-O-S-S... sO i've officially lOst aLmost ALL mY contaCts.. pls ppl, bE kInd tO a sAd, dIsorIented sOul (me lah! who elSe..) aNd sMs me ur cOntacts.. and aS luck would havE it, one of mY sTudents mOved house aNd one oF tHem wENt hOme tO cHina fOr 2 mtHs.. sO i haVe 2 sTudents less sInce i cAN't contaCt the onE whO mOved! dAmn... sIghz...
oh, dId i meNtion? mY pHOne's half a yeAR old ONLY!!! *sTabs heaRt aNd cOllaspe*
aFter wIshing Dabao a haPpy bIrthdAY @ 1am laSt nIght, i aCcidentally pREssed tHE dial bUtton wHile wanting tO deletE tHe mSg.. hE rEceivEd a mIssed cAll aNd calleD me baCk.. i cAncelled tHe caLL aND he fOllowEd w a mSg..
"hey, whats up? was catching sunrise.. sorRY.."
"oh nOthing.. i acCidentally presSed tHe dial button.."
aNd eARly tHis moRning, juST as gRumpy olD me wAs rUshing tO sCh, sileNtly cUrsing tHe aUnties wHo cUt mY qUeue, sEeing tHis mSg mAde me sMile.. cOs i knOw he's caTching the sUnrisE w sOmeonE he lOves.. aNd he's happY.. aNd aFter sO many yeArs, i undERstAnd wE all have a sOft sPot fOr sOmeonE irReplaCeable.. yOu mAY lOve wHo u cHoose tO be wIth nOw.. ( i lOve kel!) bUt dUn denY tHe fAct tHAt tHere is alwAYs smONe in youR heARt wHo cAn neVer be replAced.. eVen if tHey dUn cAre fOr tHat sPace in youR heARt, it'll alwaYs be reServed fOr tHem.. be it tEn yRs or fIfty yRs, wHen you hEAr his/her vOice, sEe his/her fAmilar smile, it still melTs ur heARt tHe sAme waY it dId yeaRs aGo..
lOve cHanges.. fRom waNting tO see tHat perSon, tO waNting tO maKe him sMile, tO waNting him tO be haPpy, tO wANting nOthing aT all.. nOthing at all.. i rEmember tHe tImes wHen jUSt sEeing hIm in sCh cAN maKe mE haPpy fOR thE wHole dAY.. hOw tIme fLies.. bUt nOw i leARnt tHat wE can't reLy on otHers tO maKe us haPpy.. 安全感是自己给自己的,快乐也得靠自己..
haPpy bIrthday dAbaO.. iF haPpineSs is tEmporary aNd joy iS eVerlasTing, i wIsh you aLL tHe joy in tHE wOrld..
oR sO sHe sAys..-