Saturday, 31 May 2008 ;


mY nEw dARling.. its goinG w mE tO hOkkaIdO neXt wK ;)

gUess wHat fLavouR tHis iS?
gUiness sTout w cHocolAte cHips! itS sUper fAntaStic trUst me.. wANted tO maKe a sTout flOat w tHis bUt kEl tHinks it wlDn wk.. :( dUn cARe.. i'm gOnna tRy it aNw..
"lOve is gIving someone tHe cHance tO hUrt yOU, bUt tRust tHat he wOuldn't..."
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Friday, 30 May 2008 ;
i tOt i'll be sUper fRee tHis hols.. takE mY oWn sWeet tIme aT tHings, caTching up w fRens... i wAS wRong! beEn real bUsy sInce tHe wK afTr hols sTarted... bUT i'm nOt complaining.. wEnt fOr aN intEnsivE 7 dAy tRaining pROb w mY cO.. intErestingly, i'm tHe only fEmale oF tHis cUrrent intAKe aNd aPpaRtently tHere haS beEn sOme gOssipping aBt us neWbies gOing on.. how did i knOw? wELL, hEre's the sTory:
*sTanding ouTSide office builing fOr the paSt 20mins*
*2 old birds talking 2m away fr me*
*i reCog tHat one of them only cAMe tO tHE office tOday*
*i unplugged mY mp3*
*boTh old birds waVed mE oVer*
uncle 1: tOday last daY of tRaining ah?
me: mm.. ya
uncle 1: whosE tEam aRe u in?
unCLe 2: sHe's wiTh Sean la...
me: mm.. ya
uncle 1: fresh grad ar?
me: uh..
uncle 2: no la she still studying..
me: ya..
uncle 1: har? undergrad ar?
uncle 2: sHe's tHat one la...
uncle 1: *simultaneously* oh~ u're tHat one...
*sTunned... wHich onE?!*
*procEeded tO make polite sMall taLk*
*kEl cAMe & i eXcused mYself...*
i seriously wondeR wHat tHey were taLking abt mAN!
aNw aFter 7 dAYs of inteNsive tRaining, i'm like rAring tO gO tO tHe fIeld aNd sTart DOing aDVisorY wK! bUt tOo baD i haVEn gOtten mY license yET... well one more paper aNd 2 mths waiting tIme tO go i guess...

mY baTch of nEwbies arE reaLLy interesting guyS.. one oF tHem dId tHis:

aNOther did a verY "primary sch" thing.. on the last dAY he tOok out a piEce of pAPer aNd aSked all of us tO write nAme, contaCt nO & eMail... bUt i aPpreciate him doing thAT... someonE's got tO dO it man... haha...
aNd on tHe final dAY we tOok a piC w tHe dIrector in cHarge of tRaining & development.. seriouSly, all thE direcTors hERe aRE sO appROachable.. tHey weRE our tRainers fOr tHE courSe.. eSp tHE onE in cHarge of tRaining... he's just like a dAddy tO us.. haha... tHe pic's w tHe gUys sO i'm waIting...
a cOUple of tHe tRainers wEre funny... one of tHem maDe a joke about males dying earlier cos women nag too much.. haha i laughed along den he apologised to me bUt i'll definately outlive everyone in the room.. haha.. aNother one sAid "haVing a girlfRiend is aN eXpensive hobby" oh well...
gUitar eXam is coming aNd i really think i'm gonna flunk it this time man.. sighz... dEAr aLso tHinks tHAt i'm taking up mOre sTuff tHan i caN handle... gRr..
sIck aGAin... dUnno wHat i've beEn eATing but my stomach is giving me prOb aGain... sIghz...
can't waIt tO geT mY license...
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 22 May 2008 ;

lifE's beeN reALly paCked sInce tHe laSt daY of mY pAPer... itS beEn gOod... life's bEen paCKed w fUn, tUition, gUitar & wOrk... bEen pRetty immeRsed in wK tHese fEw daYs... i've aLso acCEpted a nEw sTUdent who's rEAlly nIce tO teACh... kEl sNatcHed mY iDEa of "sKy dIning"... i waNted tO bOok it fOr hIs bdae bUt he bOoked it fOr ouR 1sT mth... i've dOne mY beAcH bbQ tHing, i've plaYed tABle teNNis.. i'vE dOne sO maNy tHings i waNted tO dO bUt usu haV nO tIme... tHanks tO mY deAR fOr laUghing aLong eVerytime i gEt hIgh on mY tIredneSs aNd sTart gOing cRazy & aLways tAKe cAre oF me too... aLL pics arE on faCeboOk & i'm cRaving tO plaY w aUdrey... i'm rushiNg ofF tO study fOr mY paPer nO. 1 wHich is tO be examined on mOn... wIsh mE lUck!
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 12 May 2008 ;

mIni Milo

paLm sIze...
mUmmy kNows i'm tRYing tO cut dOwn on cOffee aNd teA bUt milk sOmetimes upsET mY seNsitive tummy AND i dUn like tOo mUch OVER sweet sTuff sO sHe gOt me mIni milO! sO sWeet! sO hoW can wE (bRo & i) nOt sUrprisE hEr on mUmmys' dAY?

hEr mUmmys' daY pREzzie... pRetty? bro and i hid in his room after switching off ALL the lights in the house... den we bOo mUmmy... haha... sHe JUMPED! really..

lOve tHis qUote by oScar wIlde.. dUnno if it appears clear but it saYs "My tastes are simple. I only want the best." --> cOol
fInally! pApers aRE oVEr... i'm gOing tO haV 3 haPpY (or sO i fOresee) kelvin-days... (dEAr has taKen 3 daYs off tO haNg out w mE bUt i beLieve he's jUst tRYing tO skivE haha! :p)
jUst mET the Chiang Mai pple... things are getting on track... even thou this time we miscalculated the participants side, its going to be a good experience for the future of our org...
kinda misseD cAbin caMp 05... kInda mIssed tHe sHanghai danCe excHange trIp in JC... somehow, whEn i'm dOing thinGs i loVE i neVer waNted tO sTOp, never waNted tO gO hOme... lOoking at big eDdie, i rEgret nOt insIsting on gOing mY waY... insIst on perSUing daNce.. i might nOt necessarily be haPpier.. bUt at leaSt i wOuld haV nO reGrets...
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 8 May 2008 ;

aRgh... i'm sO waIting fOr mY lasT paPeR tO be ovEr! i've gOt tOns of pPl tO meEt tOns Of placEs tO go tO, 4 exAms tO compleTe, 1 eXam tO "prepaRE" for, tOns oF bOoks tO reaD aND tOns of sHopping tO do!
i'm sO sO sO itCHing tO reAd 3 of Paulo Coelho's bOoks tHat i haVen reAd but intERests me vERy mUch.. eLeven mInutes, witCh of pOrtobello aNd a new one that i can't reM the nAMe of.. aNd heaRd of "Life of Pi"? by Yann Martel... sUpposeD tO haVe wOn sOme aWard.. been waNting tO read it sinCe like... 2 hols aGo? or waS it only last hols? aNw it seEmed like sUch a lOt time sInce i caN afford tHe time tO sIt sLack waTch TV, reAd bOoks AT LEISURE.. tHis hols, i'm NOT going tO RUSH for ANYTHING (no, nOt even if tHere's free sHoes and perfUme).. i'm gOing tO taKe a bREak.. jUst wanna laZy aRound waTching tHe wOrld paSs bY.. fOr oNce i dUn waNt tO bE paRt of tHe cRowd rUshing aRound... *sIghz*
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 5 May 2008 ;

sIghz... a lOt haPpened tHis wK... i'vE beEn reAlly haPpY aNd tHen i'vE beEn rEally unhAppy tOo.. u kNOw wHat ppl saY abouT ppl wHo laUgh a lOt? tHey cRy a lot tOo.. well..
tHe oTher daY i wAs plaYing a pieCe on tHe piaNo (pOp sOng.. fOr tHe paSt yr or sO, eVerytime i plaYed tHe sOng, i feLt fOr it.. eVerytime i plAYed it it reminds mE oF sOme isSUes i waS hung up oVer.. aNd i can't rEAlly saY its a haPpy sOng.. bUt tHe otHer daY, i felt tHat thERe waSn mUch meANing in plaYing it... i dun fEel for thE song anymOre.. aT thaT moment in tIme i wAS tHinking tO mYself "mm.. mAybe i've fInally let gO" aNd tHat, i've gOt tO tHank mY nEW dEAr.. hE dOtes oN me tOo mUch.. tHe pASt? oH heCk it..
tHen i waS unhappy.. aNd aGain i fEel tHe neED tO wOrk haRder sUch tHat i cAN haVe a placE of mY oWn sOoner.. i dun need a bIg plACE... i jUst wAnt a plACe of mY oWN.. aNd aGain, i waNt tO leAVe.. sOon.. veRy sOon...
oR sO sHe sAys..-