fInally, SM papER is oVer... tHe moSt fEareD paPer (fOr me aT leaST)... 3 mOre tO gO! 3 mORe tO gO! aRgh...
aFter tHe paper, i wAs basically bRain deaD anD mY aRms wEre paRTially numB... sInce i cAN't dO wOrk if i gO hoMe aNw, i decIded tO take a bReak... wEnt w sALly, tO thE bUrmeSe tEMple tHat she fRequents tO tAke a lOok aT it.. itS a nIce plAce.. bUt sTill, sOmehow i've aLways missEd the sIkh tEmple tHat wE weNt tO in JC as paRt of sOme clAss tHingy.. sOrt of aN excUrsion tHingy rIght? caN't really reM.. i jUst reM i fElt VERY comfOrtable tHere.. fOr sally, sHe pRob fEels verY peaCeful aT this temple sO sHe has aLWays waNted tO sHAre tHis plaCe w mE... its a nIce place.. aNd its vEry nIce of heR tO sHare.. :)
. .. .
mAnagEd tO uPloaD mY cOpy of "两件事" tO iMeem (tHe oNe i mEntionEd on a pREvious enTry 2 daYs aGo) sO hERe gOes.. eNjoY!
. .. . 要舍,才会得。。越怕放手,越会失去。。sIghz.. i dun eVen know wHether u undeRstand... . .. . cHanced upon tHis leaFlet @ tHe bUrmese teMple abOut nUrses voluntEering ovErseas in Myanmar.. tHey nEed medIcal & nOn-medical voluntEers! i was sO exCited i tOok dOwn tHe webby only tO realisE theIr webby is all in Japanese.. sIghz i totally caN't understand.. its a Japanese org, w a bRanch in mYanmaR.. sO i'vE gOt tO emAil the JapaneSe sIde tO see wHether tHey neEd hELp.. MyanmAR isn tOo faR... its a gOod place tO vOluntEer in.. maYbe aFter tHis dEgree i sHould taKe a cOurse in nUrsing.. dEn i cAN vOluntEer w mOre of sUch gRoups! yAy!!! i wANna gRaduate like nOw! *jUmps*
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Tuesday, 29 April 2008 ;
i think i'm geTting uglieR... eIther tHat or i cAN't take a dEcent pIc of mYselF w/o mY trUsty V3... i mIss V3.. aCtually its still worKing bUt the cAm is only VGA aNd like all huMans, we naTurally cRave somthinG beTter tHan waT we hAve.. 770i, my currEnt pHOne, is gReat fOr piCs... bUt nOt wHen i aTtempt tO tAKe one w mE in it.. sIghz... i cOnclude i'm geTTing uglier... eIther tHAt or its bcOs i cAN't Q.C beFore hItting tHe sHutter.. sO i eNd up tAking a mIllion aNd onE pics aNd deletIng them aLL... kEl gave mE tHis biG biG pOoh tHe oTher daY... aNd i wAs tRying tO taKe a dECEnt pic oF me aNd tHE oRange bEAr bUt i gOt pREtty pisSed w tHe unsAtisfactOry pics sO mUch sO i wAS ceRTAin i lOoked as oRAnge in thE fACe as pOoh.. gRr... i miSs V3... :(
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 27 April 2008 ;
sMall cAp sTock aSked me a qUEstion tHat maDe me wInce.. "cAn u tEll me wHy is it nOt me?" aT tHat insTant i fElt SO bAd.. :(
i'm sOrry.. dOEs it hElp? i gUess nOT rIght? *sIghz*
oR sO sHe sAys..-
rEm hoW i aLways gUsh oVer sHel sIlversTein's bOoks? tHese aRE tWo of mY fAvouritEs... fOund tHem in tHe liB tHe oTher dAY wHen i tOok mY cOusin tO boRrow bOoks.. haV aLways waNTed tO buy tHem bUt hAve neVer dOne sO.. sOme tHings arE meANt tO be aDmireD oNce in a wHile & pERphAPs at a dIstaNce tOo.. peRphaPs... . .. . fEll in love w this REALLY short sonG of 欧得洋 long aGo.. aNd i haPPened tO hear it agAin tOday.. its only 1.17mins long.. bUt the lYrics aRE gReat... tOo baD i cAN't find its vIdeo oR eVen musIc onLine sO i caN't posT it.. gUess nOt many pple aPPrecIate thiS sOng of hIs..
词:张伟志 曲:方文良
偶尔整理信纸 发现离家当时 妈妈给我的字 只写着两件事
有原则没错你要坚持 相信有好的开始 小心别在城市里迷失 家永远有你的位置
一个人自由没有限制 两个人交心才充实 认真寻找你爱的女人 给她幸福一辈子
i eSpeciAlly likE tHe paRt 一个人自由没有限制, 两个人交心才充实.. itS sO aPt.. being sIngle is gReat.. bUt haVing sOmeone tO sHare ur lifE w is fufilling in a waY tOo..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 24 April 2008 ;
I sTarted tHis bLog w tHe aim oF sHaring nICe sTories.. sOmehow aLong the wAy it tUrned ouT tO be like mY oLd blOg wHere i sHared mY life aNd tOts insTead... sO maYbe.. i sHould gET baCk tO incL mOre sTories.. haha... hEre's a gOod oNe.. haVe i posTed it beFore?
The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.
I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that that lit up her entire being.
She said, "Hi, handsome. My name is Rose. I'm eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?" I laughed and enthusiastically responded, "Of course you may!" and she gave me a giant squeeze.
"Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?" I asked.
She jokingly replied, "I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel."
"No seriously," I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.
"I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!" she told me.
After class we walked to the student union building and share a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized listening to this "time machine" as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.
Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.
At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I'll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, "I'm sorry I'm so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know."
As we laughed she cleared her throat and began: "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. "You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don't even know it!"
"There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change."
"Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets."
She concluded her speech by courageously singing The Rose. She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. At the years end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago.
One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.
Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be.
1. You are never too old to learn.
2. Laugh and find humor everyday .
3. Don't let change overwhelm you, let change help you find opportunities you may have never seen!
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Tuesday, 22 April 2008 ;
i purPOsely weNT tO prOd aT an oLd wOund.. it sTill hurT.. i've mOved on.. bUt a paRt of mE sTill waNts tO knOw wHy.. wHy the sTory tUrned out tHe waY it dId.. i wANt tO knOW tHE otHer sidE of tHe sTory.. tHE trUth.. sOmEhow i reALly caN feEL tHAT the story haSN eNDed yeT.. it unneRves me tO a ceRtain eXtent.. i'm haPPY w wAt i haVe nOw.. i'm haPPy w wHo i haVe by mY side.. i dUn wan tHe paSt tO chaNge mY mindsEt aNd maKe me cHange mY tots on my current sItuation.. i dUn wan tO puSh hIm aWay aNd rUn aWay aGain.. aT leaSt nOt tHis tIme... *sIghz*
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 21 April 2008 ;
yeSt i wAs haVing a tErrible headacHe.. tHE wEAther wAsn pleasAnt.. mY revIsion wAsn gOing wEll.. aNd, i haVe tuition aT a plaCe wheRe i haVe tO waLk for 10 mins aFter aLighting fRom a 20 min buS rIde.. tHese aRe all ingREdienTs tO cReatIng a tErrible mOod. sO, i wEnt fOr tuitIon tEAching wHat i haTe tEAching mOst, wIth a tErrible mOod. i wAsn gIving mY beSt likE i uSually dO. aT the eNd of tHe lessOn, mY stuDent paSsed me a lEtter.. i tOt it wAs a prActice fOr her leTTer wRiting fOr sCHool. sO i jUst tOok it aNd kePt it in mY baG.. wHen i gOt oN tHe buS, i dECided tO maRk it.. sO i tOok it ouT tO rEAd.. aNd, oh mY gOodneSs! it wAs a rEAl sWeet leTTer! sHe tHanked me fOR maKing eNglish intEresting tO leARn (sHe's fRom China) aNd i dunno wHat i did bUt sHe saId bcOs of me, sHe isN tHAt sCared of eNglish anYmore... aNd tHat oUt of aLL the tUtors sHe haD, bOth hEr mUmmy aNd her likE me tHe moSt.. oh mAn! aFter rEAding it i fElt SO guiltY fOr bRInging mY baD mooD tO leSsons... aNd i usually aSK mY stUdents tO call mE by mY naMe sO as tO cLose tHe distance btWn us bUt she's the oNly one wHo INSIST on cAlling me laO sHi... sIghz... i lOve heR man.. . .. . i lOve haNginG out w kElvin.. yEp, hE's mY nEw bF.. sOmehOw bEing w hIm is a liTTle like bEing w aUdrey.. i'm uSually mY cRAzy, bLur aND sTupid sElf w hIm aNd he lAughs aLong aNd wATches oUt fOr cArs fOr me wHen wE cRoss tHe rOAd.. mAinly i cAn be a sIao zHar bO w hIm aNd he dOesn fReak oUt sEeing me likE tHat.. hE gIVes mE gOod aDVice aND DOESN TRY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME (i nOw kNow a cReep wHen i sEe onE). haVing knOWn hIm fOr.. mm.. sINce laSt nOv? aBout 1/2 a yeAR, he's a pRetty gReat gUy.. hE isn eVerything i wANt.. bUt he's enUf.. eVen thOu i knOw eVery rElationship gOes tHru a cYcle (like prOduct life cycle fOr thOse wHO dO maRketing / bIz), i dun tHink i cAre tHat mUch aBout aNythINg otHer tHan tHE prEsent.. eVen tHou he's a gUy i dUn mind dATing fOr a lOng lOng tIme bUt tIme cHanges eVerything.. it mIght cHange hIs mind or eVen mIne.. fOR nOw, eVerything's gReat. i sHall be less haRsh on mYselF aNd baSk in hIs cOmpany aNd cAre.. tHE fUture? onE thing i've leARnt aBout lOve.. it'll tAke cAre of itsElf.. :)
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 20 April 2008 ;
"Do u know that 35 ppl jUmp off tHe BrooKlyn bRidge eVery yeAR mOstly dUe tO bRoken heARts?" - Maya fRom DefinaTely mAybe
"The hottest love has the coldest end." - Socretes
eDdie haS a knAcK fOr bAngIng inTo mY bfS aNd i oN tHe 1St tIme we gO out as a cOuple.. sOmehoW its beEn haPpening fOr erm.. a cOuple of tImes.. fUnny..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Saturday, 19 April 2008 ;
bCos loVe is sO unprEdicTAble, 你今天让我感动得想哭,明天会不会让我因为伤心而哭?
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 17 April 2008 ;
i neEd sOme oPinions... hEre's thE sItuation:
i weNt fOr an intErview aT cO.1 wHere i wAs preTty impreSsed by tHe place aNd tHe pple tHere. hOweveR, its a reLatively yOung company thaT isn veRy well knOwn. i wAs sHortlistEd fOr a 2nD intervIew bUt nO oNe gOt baCk tO me till like.. 17 dAys laTer.. sO in tHe mEantIme, i weNt fOr a rIvaL cO.'s intERvIew.. cO.2.. cO.2 is pretty establisHed in tHis line.. its nOt tHe beSt bUt its been around fOr mOre thAn 10 yeARs aNd its nOt an unknOwn naMe.. tHe benefIts by bOth cO are rElatively similaR aNd sO is tHe job sCope. sO sInce cO.2 is efficienT, i acCepted cO.2's offer. beFore i cAn sTart wking, i neeD tO tAke 4 paPers aNd be ceRtified by MAS. sO cO.2 haS paId fOr mY eXaM fees on tHe condition tHat i'll join tHem. tHe exaMs isn an isSue cOs nO matter wHich cO i jOin i'll wAnt tO take tHese papeRs.. aNd tHe thing is, i reCeived both pieCes of neWs ALL on tHe SAME DAY witHin 1/2 hr's diffErence.. sO, pRob is: sHould i sTill gO fOr cO.1's 2nd interviEW deSpite knOwing tHat i mOst prOb wldn cHange mY mind aBt joining cO.2? iS it unethicaL tO waSte tHeir tIme? bUt i waNt tO knOw moRe abT thiS job fr dIf perSPectives... aNd as a fResh gRAd tO be, i knoW i dun havE mUch baRgaining poWer.. i aCtually contemplated teLLing tHem tHE tRuth tHAt i'm tHinking btwn tHem anD a rIval cO. sO as tO aSk tHem waT dIfferenciates tHem aNd tHe next cO.... bUt i think tHey'll jUst sHoo me aWay.. haha..
sO hoW ar? sHld i gO fOr tHe 2nd intErview aNd waSte eVeryone's tIme? oR sHld i gO tO gaIn exPErience? *muLLs*
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 16 April 2008 ;
i reAlise i geT hungRY eAsily wHen i mUg.. eH.. wAit.. dO i rEAlise tHe sAme tHing eVery seM? cOs waT i jUSt typeD sEems fAmiliar... *zOnked oUt*
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 13 April 2008 ;
@ eSplaNade wALkwaY
rEad tHis intEresting aRticle aBout 2 wKing wOmen wHo, oUt of bOrdom oF cOnstAntly wOrking tHeIr ass oFf, deCided tO tRy e tAi tAi liFesTyle. sO, tHey tOok leAve aND wEnt tO hOng kOng wHere aLL thEy wanTed tO dO waS tO sPEnd tHeir hUbby's mOney tO eAt, sHop aNd eAt aNd sHop sOmemOre.. bUT by tHe 2nd or 3rD dAy, tHey weRe sIck oF sEeing sImilar baGs, sHOes, cLothes eTc ovEr aNd ovER aNd tHey cOncluded tHat tHE tAi tAi lifesTyle is nOt fOr tHem. dAydREaming abOut the tai tai lifEstyle is bUt a reSpite fRom tHeir hectiC life wHen tHeir brAin nEEds tO tHink abOut otHer sTuff tHan wOrk. aNd oNe of tHE ladIes wRote tHis:
i kInda aGree w tHe paSsage.. i rEm laSt sEm i wAS sO sO tIred bY X numBer of tUitions, gUitaR, X numBer of prOjs, faMily sTuff, blaH bLah bLah.. i wAs sO tIred i sAt tHEre tHinking tO mYself.. "mAYbe i sHld haVe jUSt sEttled fOR marryiNG fOr mOney. wHy wAS i sO sTubborN? tHen aT leaSt i cAN jUSt peRsue mY pAssion in dANce nOw. i cAn tAke mY tIme in sTUdying fOr tHis sTupid dEgree.. 2 mOdules pER sEm. i cAN sTaY at hOme aNd cOok, wAsh cLothes..." tHEn, i sLapped mYself aWake. i'm nOt tHAt kind. i cAN't aNd i wLdn mArry fOr mOney. i cAn't sTand beIng usEless aNd rELying on oTHers. mOSt of all, i otHer tHAn cOoking, i DO NOT like hOusewk.. i raTher be dOing prOposAls..
bUt cAN i haVe tHe beSt of bOth wOrlds? cAn i bE wOrKing mY asS oFf ouTside aNd wHen i 受委屈 i cAn haVe a hUBby i cAn rUn hOme tO 撒娇 aNd cRy tO? cAn i? cAn i bE tHe 小女人 at hOme aNd tHE tOugh bitCh outsIDe? sOmehow i tHink tHis is paRt of mY idEAlised wOrld aGain.. sIghz..
eNough aBout life.. mOre aBout FOOD! haha.. (ALERT: feLlow fOodies! cHeck it ouT!) wEnt tO mEnOtti (@ Raffles City) w maTilda tHe otHEr tIme tO prEteST tHE fOod b4 brInging mY mUm tHEre fOr heR bdaE. BUT aS usual, sHE paNg sEh-ed me aGain at tHE last minUte. aNd cOs i wANted tO waIt tO tRY tHE recommEndeD-by-kelv dessert w heR, i dIdn tRy w mAtilda.. in tHe enD, we haD tHE paNna cOtta wHich isn fANtastic.. sO yeSt, i weNt w keLv.. tHE sOffiatO wAS fAntastic i tEll you!
aCtually tHeir fOod isn fAntasTic bUt tHeir dessert sUre is. tHE neXt tIme i waNna tRy tHis cHocolate rIce tHingy w edIble fLowers.. aNw tHE aMbieNce is nIce.. i dIdn tAke picS of tHe plaCE tHou..
tHe paNNa cOtta lOoks likE tHis..
gReaT cOMPany, gOod food, gOod waLk aFter dInner.. wHat mOre cAn a gIrl asK fOr? :) gO aHead.. laUgh at me, cAll me eAsily sAtisfised. i dUn cAre. haha..
cHou cHou pOoh iS wOndering wHethEr i'll cRy wHen tHis beAutiful paSsage of mY liFe eNds.. aNd i tELl hIm, mEmorIes aRE aLL i nEed.
aNd oH yeS.. haPpy bIrthDay bRother, u spoileD uR oWn sUrprIse bY BARGING inTO tHe hOuse. dUn bLame us fOR tHE haLf "ligHts ouT" sItuatIon.. haha..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Friday, 11 April 2008 ;
i jUst laNded mY fIrst FT joB! wEll.. tHose pSycHo-anAlysis tEsts sHowed tHat i'm 'somewhat' suited fOr tHis line bUt i'll neVer knOw til i tRy right? aNw i wAs jUSt compLaining aBout hOw unaCcurate the tEsts will be cOs i did it wIthouT reAlly thinking aNd thAT the tErms weRe sO confUsing aNd thaT thE trANslaTion (enG-cHi) wEre cRap.. till, TA DAH! thE resulTs cAme out aNd i wAs sUrpRised aT how aCcurate it wAs! prEtty acCuraTe anw.. bOth tHe baD poInts aNd tHe gOod onEs.. aNw sO i lAnded tHe joB. gUess it'll gIve me gOod eXposUre wHich is wHat i wAnt aNd neeD. bUt i'll hAv tO gO tHru 4 eXams b4 i cAn be cErtified bY MAS.. sO hOpefully all tHese gET dOne by tHe tIme i gRaduate sO i cAn sTart eArly! haha.. aNw tHE cO. fOresee me cOmpleting eVerything by aUgust.. sO leTs sEe hoW it gOes.. tO me, tHe bEst benefIt tHis line bRings is thE laCk of oFfice politiCs i'll be eXposeD tO.. cOmpeTition yeS, bUt leSs tIme in tHe offICe aNd mOre tIme meEting cLients is gOod nEws tO me.
(bEcauSE it'll neEd me tO wOrk mY aSs oFf sO i liKe it..)
all tHanks tO kElv fOr gOing tHere w mE aNd wAiting fOr me fOr er.. hOw lonG? 1 hr+ aT leaSt.. aNd fOr dinneR & sEnding mE hOme.. fOr tHanking hIm tOo mAny tImes, he caLLed me aN oLd wOman.. tHanks hUh.. sO mUch fOr couRtesy.. haha... . .. . sometImes i tHink i'm mOre sUited tO be mY sTudents' fRiendS rAther tHan be tHeir tUtor.. (i kNow a cOuple of mY stUdentS mIght be rEading tHis, bUt i think its fIne tO saY it) i haVe ex-stUdents wHo aRe noW mY gOod fRiends aNd when tHEy hav pRObs tHey lOok fOr me 1st aNd i aLso reALise i haVe a pROb 'contRoling' sTudents.. maYbe its wHat i wAnt sUb consCiously. sO in a wAy i tREat all of tHem aS eQuals. I dUn pull rAnks unleSs i'm deSperaTE. sAlly tOld me i sHould be mOre fIrm. bUt i sOmehow just caN't dO it. i'Ve only laShed ouT at a sTudent oNce aNd tHAts beCause sHe tHrew a taBLe aT me. -_-" wTh.. gOod tHing i'm nOt plaNNing tO be a tEAcher..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Tuesday, 8 April 2008 ;
tHis is a nIce sOng.. aCtually i dUn reallY like tHese MVs w idOls wAlking aRnd tRying tO lOok gOod bUt its reAlly a nIce sOng..
is iT just mE? aM i tHe only oNE wHo sEems tO be fOreVer rUshing heRe tHeRe eVerywHere?
i'm tIred.
iTs onE of tHosE daYs wHere i cRave a hUg aNd a pErson i cAn sHa jiAo tO.. its nOt haRD tO fInd sOmeonE i cAN wHine tO aNd aSk fOr a piggYbaCk.. i'm jUst tOo picKy..
aNd maYbe tHe line i dRew wAsn cLear enOugh.. . .. ... .. . yeSt i gOt daMn boRed w sCh wK sO i dEcided tO finD sOmething tO reaD... i oPened mY cupboard aNd my eYe fell on mY pASt dIaries.. i piCked tHe one dAted 2004.. mY lAst yr in JC.. i'm nOt gOing tO taLk abt paSt gHosts cOs tHey dun haUnt mE anYmoRE (I'm a bRave gIrl noW! hAha..) buT i gOt reMinded of ouR J2 clAss bbQ! tHe onE tHat endEd w a mEmorable lOng waLk home w.. wHo eLse bUt aH bAo! haha.. aNd tHat J2 bbq wAs on the 29th of May in 2004.. 29/05... comIng sOon wOr... sIghz.. i mIss u aUdrey..
P.S: i reM u sAid oNe tHing tO me tHat nIgHt.. "I rIsked mY fRiendship with you foR tHis ok?" haha.. tHanks aUdrey.. yOu mUst be tHe only peRson wHo'll dO sUch tHings fOr me.. *loVez* :D
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 7 April 2008 ;
tHis is gOnna be a sAd posT... cOs, i'm sAying bYe tO 2 tHings.. 1. a dEsserT sHop tHat haS cEased tO be aS gOod as it uSed tO be.. 2. mY olD, wOrn ouT (baDly) wAllet... in cAse u think its tRival sTuff, i'm tEllin u its NOT!
1. Gobi Desserts usEd tO be REAL gOod! nOw? OMG... its nOt just 'nOt nIce'. IT SUX! insTead of beIng ligHt, it tAstes OILY! aNd tHeir maCarooNs is REALLY terrible nOw... it useD tO be pREtty gOod... :( i'm SO SO SO SO SO disAppointed... it usEd tO be so good i'll gO all tHe wAy tO kaTong tO lOok fOr it.. nOw thaT thEY hav oNe at Central, its nOt nIce anYmore.. :( its disasterOus! sIghz.... demIse of a gOod deSsrt sHop.. w nIce dEco sOmemoRE.. dAmn..
2. My oLd wHite wAllet officially bUrst! nOt fr tOo mUch $ bUT fR tOo mUch of everYthing elSe otHEr tHan $ -_-" muMmY fOrced mE tO tHrow tHe old oNe aWay immed. afTer i cHanged tO mY neW one wHich i tOok aGes tO cHooSe... i reAlly cOuldn beAR tO.. bUt its really wOrn oUt... sO... sAy hI tO my nEw rEd thingy aNd bYe, wHite wOrn ouT tHingy tHat has lOst a cRysTal bUtterflY cHarm aNd bUrst sOme sEams... :(
actually aFter blogging abT this i fEel sO bimbo.. its a dAMn bimbOtic entRy bUt i dun caRe.. jusT like hOw i dun cAre i;ve gOt tO aVoid oily and sPicy fOod.. BLEAH...