Sunday, 30 March 2008 ;

hOw dO u tell sOmeoNe u dUn likE hIm tHe wAy he likEs u aFter he teLLs u he tHinks u're THE ONE (WTH?!)? hoW dO u tEll tHe sAme perSon u dun wAn tO eVen haVe dinneR w hIm on hIs biRthdaY cOs u wAnt tO dRaw a cLean liNe? hOw wLd u aCT oN botH sitUation, cAusing zerO huRt anD neGatiVe fEelingS? is iT eVen poSSible? hLp... i haVe leSs tHan 1.5 dAys tO deCide wAt tO dO aNd wAt tO sAy. aNy kInd of aDvice will be GREATLY apprEciated. tHanks huh.. i mAde tHe miStaKE oF sHitting iN mY owN gARden.. if i dUn dRAw a CLEAR line i'll dROwn in mY owN sHit sOon..
tHis rEminds me of sOmethinG sOmeonE sAid a loNg tIme aGo in a sImilaR sItuation.. tHe 'adVisor' tOld me plAinly, "nO maTter wHat u dO or sAy hE'll dEfinaTely be sAd oNe lO! tHe oNly dIFferENce is hOw hUrt he'll be.." gEez.. iTs kiNda tRue but plS lo.. tHAts tEcHnically NOT a sOlution..
enOugh aBout dePressing sTuff.. hEre's an intEresting sTory ;)
A Million Dollar Lesson
by : Petey Parker
A cab driver taught me a million dollar lesson in customer satisfaction and expectation. Motivational speakers charge thousands of dollars to impart his kind of training to corporate executives and staff. It cost me a $12 taxi ride.
I had flown into Dallas for the sole purpose of calling on a client. Time was of the essence and my plan included a quick turnaround trip from and back to the airport. A spotless cab pulled up.
The driver rushed to open the passenger door for me and made sure I was comfortably seated before he closed the door. As he got in the driver's seat, he mentioned that the neatly folded Wall Street Journal next to me for my use. He then showed me several tapes and asked me what type of music I would enjoy.
Well! I looked around for a "Candid Camera!" Wouldn't you? I could not believe the service I was receiving! I took the opportunity to say, "Obviously you take great pride in your work. You must have a story to tell."
"You bet," he replied, "I used to be in Corporate America.
But I got tired of thinking my best would never be good enough. I decided to find my niche in life where I could feel proud of being the best I could be. I knew I would never be a rocket scientist, but I love driving cars, being of service and feeling like I have done a full day's work and done it well. I evaluate my personal assets and... wham! I became a cab driver.
One thing I know for sure, to be good in my business I could simply just meet the expectations of my passengers. But, to be GREAT in my business, I have to EXCEED the customer's expectations! I like both the sound and the return of being 'great' better than just getting by on 'average'" Did I tip him big time? You bet! Corporate America's loss is the traveling folk's friend!
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Saturday, 29 March 2008 ;

fInally... dOwn tO mY laST pROject beFore tHe dREadful eXAms sTart.. mkTing tEst tOday wAS aLrighT.. i'm jUst haPpy tHAt itS over.. aH well aT leAst tHe sUper dUper cUte nePalese gUy wAs sitTing in fRont oF me (aLtHough blocKed by bRandon) aCting as eYe cANdy of tHe dAY so tHe tEst waSn sO bad.. wOndered wHy tHey haD tO haVe it in tHat huGe hAll tHough..
dInner w tHe ABU famiLy wAs gOod... i thiNk i aTe tHe mOSt.. tHats y aFter erm... 3hoUrs i'm sTill fUll.. tHats nOt norMal fOr me...
a wEekeNd bReaK.. aNd i'll be oN mY wAy aGain, tO mUggerdOm.. wIsh me aLL the beSt! haha..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 26 March 2008 ;

tHings arE gEtting meSsy.. eVEn mY ex-mAnager iS aSking wHether i'm dAting a cERtain eX-coLleague.. lOok.. i've leFt that plaCE fOr more thAN 3 mtHs aLreadY! wHen will rUmours dIe off? sIgh... i aDMit i suFFer fr tHe old cOw sYndRome... (liKe aLL guyS aNd sOme gIrls dO) bUt i defInately dO nOt liKe qUiet gUys! aNd i dUn kNow hoW tO wAke hIm up fR hIs dIsillusioneD wOrld... sIgh.. i'm nOt waT he tHinks i aM... i'm nOt a dOmestically inclineD, muMmy waNnabe.. i'm nOt the innoCEnt innOcent little girL he tHinks i aM! i'm nOt the pAtient, nIce, sWt-naTured gIrl! i'm nOt the kInd wHo hAtes tHe sUn, lOathes aCtion, sHy, hide aT home aLl daY kind oF gIrl! i'm nt a pAssive sit-at-home-and-wait-for-your-call kind oF gIrl... i'm a baD temPered evil mOnstER! i haTE kIds! and.. and.. anD... i usE vulgARities! aNd.. aNd.. i'm a sNob.. aNd... i'm a bAd unkiNd perSON... aNd and anD... i eat a lot! aNd... aiya! u get my point right? bUt he dOesN... aRgh... if onLy hIs tOts are contAined in a sPeech buBblE that i cAn buRst.. qUiet guyS geT my aTtention anD intERest for a wHile but serioulY i can'T surviVe on sileNce... *sIghz* :( aM i likE dAmn eVil? *soBz*
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 24 March 2008 ;

i bOught nEw sHoes aGain! tHE hEels aRE tOo lOw fOr my likIng.. like.. 2 inch? or lEss? someWHere tHere... bUt its sO cOmfy.. i tOt i wAs off sHoes alR bUt i gUess its jUst bcoS i haVen seen oNe tHat i wAnt tO buY recenTly sinCe i haVEn haD tIme tO gO shOpping.. aNd fOr soMe reAson, i'Ve been excEptionALLy picKy sInce aBout eARly tHis yeAR or laTE lAst yEAr, sUch that tHere aRe fEws iTems tHat i eYe witHout comPlaints.. nO wOnder mY cOusINs haVe hAiled me aS tHe cOmplain qUeen..
lots of sTuff haV bEen haPPening thEse handFUl of dAys... in eVery asPect of life.. life is gEtting eXciting.. helPs sPice up tHIs mundANe lifE of minE... bREaks tHe cYcle of proj proj test proj exams...
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 19 March 2008 ;

i finally cAught it.. it wAS gOod.. sO sO sO sO sO gOod... baSed on cAtherine lIm's "A leaP of lOve".. i adMire Li-Ann fOr hEr cOurage tO fACe lOVe.. fOr, like wHat Paulo Coelho sAid in The Alchemist about cHasing aFter your dReams, (sOmething like tHis...) "In the first year that you foresake your dreams, u'll see signs everywhere, reminding you not to give up. Should you disregard them, on the second year, they'll still appear; but less frequent. On the third year, they'll have given up trying to catch your attention anD you'll be cOntent wIth your cUrrent life, but alWAys fEel that sOmething's missing. By that time, its tOo late." How tRue.. If Li-Ann haD mArried Raymond, sHe'll not be uNhappy.. bUt she'll nEver be tRuely haPpy fRom the bOttom oF heR heARt..
"Plato believed that the prehistoric man was a combination of 2 men. He had 2 heads, 4 hands, 4 legs and was almighty. He could move forward and backwards as he pleased. God felt that he was too powerful and split him into 2. Therefore, nowadays all men are looking for their other half. That, is Plato's take on love." - Lecturer in The Leap YearsSteve Jobs sAid (About finding the right job),"As with all matters of the heart, you'll know its the one when you see it. So keep lOoking, don't settle."kEep lOoking.. dun sEttle.. gOod aDvice.. rEally.. eSp fOr cAreerS..
"Its not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves." - Shakespeare
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 17 March 2008 ;
rEad thiS sOmewHere..
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin! hOw tRue..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 16 March 2008 ;
tHis is fUnny...
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Friday, 14 March 2008 ;

iF yOu haVen seEn tHe gReek mAsterpIeces fR tHe Louvre wHich is oN exHibit in tHE sIngapore mUseum, dO dO sO by the 16th.. tRust me. itS sO bloodY wOrth tHe $8 aNd i eVen waNt tO gO aGain if i haVe tHe tIme... sHould'vE bRought a cAmera aLong bUT mY tRusty k770i wAsn tOo bad.. hERe aRE SOME of tHe picS.. :)

mY pERsonaL fAVourite:

fRont vIew..

tHe lefT faCe sHows a sMiling expression..

the rIght sHows a fRowning oNe...

aBout tHis pieCe..

yET aNother of mY fAvourite... tHey aRE sOcrateS, pLato aNd aRistotLe (in tHat oRder)

Lets tAke a cLoser lOoK at sOcratEs.. (i rEgret nOt tAkin cLose up piCs of tHe otHer tWo)
"By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." - Socrates
sEe lA.. hOw nOt tO lOve tHIs gUy? :)

tHis is Eros...
wAiting fOr mOre piCs fRom mAtilda wHo wEnt w me sInce mY pHone cAm isN tHat faNtastic.. tHe ligHting aNd effeCts weRe kInda dIstorTed.. fRom tHe aRtistic pOint of vIew, (jUst mY 2 cEnts wOrth of vIews) tHere wAs a cERtain sCulptuing sTyle (i fOrgOt its nAme) wHich maKes tHE sCUlptures lOok dAmn sOft aNd fRagile tO thE tOuch tHAt wAS emPloyed on sOme of tHe scUlptures (oNe of tHem waS on oNe of tHat of Venus on dIsplaY).. aNd bOy.. it tOuched mY heARt.. Venus's fAce lOoked SO deLicate.. as iF it'll DISINTEGRATE by a gEntle tOuch.. piCTures aRE w mAtilda.. *aHem* :p
fR tHe cultural/histOrical view, if u aRE reALLy intO gREek mythoLogy, u'll lEArn a lOt tOo.. i dId at lEAst.. in cOnclusion, i'm haPpy i wEnt tO see it dESpite tHe rAin, tHe colD, tHe wAtevEr.. it wAs wOrth it.. :)
sIgh.. if i cOuld sTudy aNything i wAnt, i'll sTudy Dance, Philosophy aNd Psychology (in tHis order) bUt tOo bad.. oUt of all tHe above, 2 cAn't fEed me.. aNd tHE laST oNe pRobably reQuire mOre pAtience tHan i haVE..
aNW sInce i wAs at tHe mUseum aLreaDy (dEspite tHE teRrible wEAther tHese dAys) wE weNT tO vIsit aN indOnesian aRt gaLLery (fRee aDmission!)
tOoK sOme intEResting pics...

tHe plACe...

i bELIeVe its aN otter..

lOokS likE a rAbbit tO me.. its haNging fRom tHe ceLiing abOut 2 sTories hIgh.. i tOok tHe pic sTanding on tHe sTairs..

aNd tHis, is mY peRSonal fAvourite in tHis gAllarY.. 2 aNgles...
tHis pOst is pROudly bRought tO yOU by mAtildA aNd jAsmine fRom tHe bASemeNT tOilet in tHe sIngapore mUseum. tHank yOu fOr reAding aNd haVe a nICe dAY.. wAhaha.. :p
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Tuesday, 11 March 2008 ;

i kNow tHis is pAsse.. bUt i cHanced uPon tHis bLog... aNd its so sWeet (aUDrey, wArning.. its filled wIth cHinese cHaracters.. haha..)
pErsonally i like pOint 2 and 7 the mOst.. itS jUst sO sUper dUper sWeet wHen ur gUy wHips up a mEAl fOr u.. aNd it dOesn haVe tO be delicIous it jUst haVe to be eDible aNd i'm hAPpy eNough.. *sIghz* sHit.. i sOund likE sUch a sPineless sOftie.. bLeah..
aNw while i wAS maKing mY bEd tHis mOrn, i cOunted tHe nUmber of yeaRs mY pOoH hAs bEen sLeeping w mE.. gUEss wHAt? its bEen 7+ years.. aNd as i lOok baCk on tHese yRs i rEAlise tHey include whAT's probably gOing tO be tHe bEst aNd aLso tOughest pArts in mY life.. mY JC yeaRs, mY uPper sEc daYs.. i reM tHe tImes i cRied on pOoh's hEAd in tHe dEAd of tHe nIght.. i rEm tHE tImes i hUgged pOoh, sMiling mY wAY tO dReamlaNd.. i rEm tHE tImes i wAs sCared of wHat tHe fUTure mIght bRing aNd pOoh wAs tHere tO hUg mE tIght.. i rEm eVery tIme i'm aWay fRom hOme fOr cAMps oR tRips, tHe fIrst tHing i dO wHen i rEAch mY rOom is tO hUg pOoh.. iTs nOw olD aNd uGly.. bUt u kNOw wHat? liKe w eVery gOod relAtionshiP, it oNly gETs beTter w tIme.. :) it cAN be tHe bLackeST pOoh eVer, tHe uGliest, tHe mOst sHape-less.. bUT its tHe only pOoh i'll wAnt in tHis lifetIme.. :)
oR sO sHe sAys..-

i dId it aGain.. aNother aDdition to mY list of aCtivitIEs tHAt maKe me wAn tO bAng mY heaD aGainst tHE waLL.. i've beEn telling mYself tO tRust mY judgEment fOr a lOng tIme aNd yEt, wHen it cOmes tO cRunch, i raTher relY on mY "faNtastIc" meMory inStead of oN gRey matter (esP wHEn i kNow tHat lumP of gRey thing is rIght..).. i'm sUch a dUmbaSs..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Friday, 7 March 2008 ;

I can't beLieve it! eDison cHen's phOto sCandal acTually maDe it tO wIkipedIa! wHAts the wOrld cOming tO?
mY fInance leCturer sAys tHe dArnest sTuff.. hEre's anOther one oF hIs fAmous sEntancEs,
"..thE tRaitor oPened tHe gATes tO sAve hIs gf fRom tHe enemY and thAt tRaiTor's gf's nAMe is cHen yUan yUan *eVeryoNe turneD tO lOoK at a bLushing yuAn yUan* (sO cUte lA!) siGh.. sOme times u reaLLy dunnO how tO nAMe uR cHild.. nAme hIm aFter a sCientisT? in tHe enD beCome pOrn sTar.. (tHink eDison)".
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 5 March 2008 ;
tHe "company buyer" cOnt. tO ask aNd i cOnt. tO acT blur.. dId i dO tHe rIght tHing?
i'm sO sICk aNd tIRed sO stRategic maNagement.. if afTer the 12tH i heAr Porter's naMe ONE MORE TIME i'll really vomit blood.. if i heAR abt 3M again i'll kicK tHe perSon's ass.. if... if... argh... u get my point..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Tuesday, 4 March 2008 ;
u kNOw wHAt? i tHink i'm in lOve w tHE ASUS eee-pc! jUst lOok at it maN! i've sEEn 2 pplE usIng it at tHe NLB alREady.. *lOves*

(audreY, tHe blondIe is fOr ur vIewing pleAsure ;p)
lIght, pRetty, sMall aNd cHeap! tHe sPecs arEn't tOo bad eITher.. bUT its nOt reALly duraBLe.. i'll cRush it tO pieCes in a maTter or daYS.. sIghz..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 2 March 2008 ;
i tOld hIm i dUn wANna paTch anD sTart aGain. hiS exACt rEply wAs "Why? You'll get lots of freebies being w me u know?"
dAmn.. i kNow an insUlt wHen i sEe one.. maYbe he dIdn meAn it tHAt wAy bUT its obVious oUr idEAs aBt a r/sp is on dIf fREquency..
bYe. (oNce aNd fOr all)
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Saturday, 1 March 2008 ;

"曾经爱过一个人,让心破了不完整。再给的爱都少了灵魂。。" 事过境迁,深刻体会其中之意。。
bUt funnily, as i wAs in tHe toilet, i sUddenly rEMembered sOMethINg 某某人 oNce sAid "Many things catch our eyes, but few catch our heart. Persue those." How tRue.. aNd i wAs lOst nO mOre..
oR sO sHe sAys..-