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Friday, 29 February 2008 ;

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Thursday, 28 February 2008 ;

dUnnO if tHEre's aNyone wHO cRied dOing sTrategic maNagemenT aSsigNmt.. i mIGht be tHE fIrst..

我介意 - 金莎

sOmehow tHE lyrics of tHis song is sO applicAble to a hanDful of pple in mY life.. so intEresting.. all in onE song.. i lOve tHe firsT paRt.. 其实我的安静有迹可寻,只是你不太留心而已. 如果说两个人在一起, 比一个人孤寂,爱会不会过期? eVer hAd the eXperienCE of gOing out w sOmeone bUt eNd up fEeling eVen mOre lonely tHan beiNg aLone? its sCary.. very sCary.. aNd couplEd w tHe scAry, u'll fEel kinDa sAd..

aNw do u kNow in sCotland, a mAn waS fineD for rEjecting a mArriage prOposal fRom a laDy on fEb 29th? its baSEd on an Irish tradition that sInce feB 29tH is sUch a sPecial day, tRaditions cAn be fORgone.. sO itS a wOmaN's rIght tO pRopose tO a mAn.. aND, he can't reFuse.. wAhahA.. if tHis plaCe is a hUge beLIever, Mr. Bao is mIne.. haha.. bUt no.. i'm nOt sO meAN..


tHE pLanning fOR tHE cHiang Mai tRIp is tOugher tHan i toT it wlD be.. (pROjs aNd teSts all cominG tOgether doeSn heLp) bUT if it isN fUll of cHAllenges i gUess it wldN be mEmorable wHEn it eNds rIGht? :) as w aLL prOjects, beFOre it oFFicially eNDs, theRe r bOund tO b cHAnges aFter cHanges mAking sECtions haRd tO concLude aND difficUlt tO move on.. gUess tHis is wHere tEam wK is sUpposeD tO cOme in.. bUt aGain, as w aLL prOjects aND all tEams, tHere arE boUNd tO b sLeeping mEMbers aND pple wHO wReak hAvoc deSpite beIng parT of tHE tEAm.. i'm ok w sLeeping mEmbers.. i'm jUst haPpy tHere aREn aNy tRouble maKers in tHis teAm..

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Monday, 25 February 2008 ;
fInally reCeived piCs fr jEan on oUr ABU reuNion lUnch 2 daYs b4 CNY was oFFicially oVer.. i haVe to sAY, tHe XO fisH soUp wAS fAntaSTic.. i haD bOwlfUls aNd bOwlfUls of it aNd i sTill can't get enUf of it.. (aUdrey! reMind me tO brIng u tHere wHen u cOme baCk k? i'm sURe u'll lOVe it!) bUt tHen mainly it wAs aDrian, jUne and i hoGGing tHE soUp cos the oTHer 2 tOt it tASted tOo alcoholic.. it dOesn.. tRust me..
aNw jEAn tOok like.. 40+ picTUres cAN? heRE arE sOMe rANdOm oNes..

i. lOve. fOod






oR sO sHe sAys..-

Friday, 22 February 2008 ;
This is offiCially mY nEw fAvourite sOng! sO sWeet aLright?! *sIghz* i'll mArry tHe gUy wHo sIngs tHis tO me wHile plaYing e gUitar lo! sO sWeet!

Barry Louis Polisar lyrics - All I Want Is You

If I was a flower growing wild and free
All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen
All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves

If I was a flower growing wild and free
All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen
All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

If you were a river in the mountains tall,
The rumble of your water would be my call.
If you were the winter, I know I'd be the snow
Just as long as you were with me, let the cold winds blow

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

If you were a wink, I'd be a nod
If you were a seed, well I'd be a pod.
If you were the floor, I'd wanna be the rug
And if you were a kiss, I know I'd be a hug

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

If you were the wood, I'd be the fire.
If you were the love, I'd be the desire.
If you were a castle, I'd be your moat,
And if you were an ocean, I'd learn to float.

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Wednesday, 20 February 2008 ;

jUst cAught JUNO w jIa.. it wAS a G-R-E-A-T mOvie alRIght? fAntasTic! i waNNa buy the VCD aND wATch it aGain aNd aGain..

oNe sCene's sTuck in mY minD.. Juno found ouT tHat tHe couple wHo's to adopt hER babY's gOing to sPilt.. sHe waS daMn upsEt and wHen sHE got hOme, sHe askED heR dad wHEther its tHAt difficult/wAsn it possible tHat couples cAN sTay happy togetHer eVen afTer a loNg tIme? hER dAd tOld her, mOst impTly u'll haVe tO fiNd sOmeone wHo loVEs u eVen wHen he has sEen u pRetty or ugly, handsOme or wHat-haVe-yOU, in a gOod mOod or a cRappy mooD.. aNd sTill loVEs you fOr wHo you aRE.. tHe rIght pERson will still seE tHe sUn sHine oUt of ur aSs.. (sOmething aLong tHAt line)

i'm cYnicAL aBt haPpy eNdings.. bUT tHis sTOry still tOuchED mY heARt.. a gREat dEAL.. maYbe dEep dOwn i sTill wiSH fOr a hAPpy eNding in mY life jUst tHat i'm nOt keEping my hOpes up.. bUt i seRiously dOubt anY one will lOve mE fOr wHo i aM.. i haVe a nAsty tEmper u knOw? wHeN i fLare up i dUn eVen lOVe mYself mUch. hoW can i exPect sOmeone eLse to? haha.. ;) beNefits of being singLe.. i'll jUst be mYself.. nASty tEMper aNd all..

maybe tHAts y.. tHAts y wHen he sAys "i lOVe yOu" i sO dUn belieVe.. hE oNly sEes mY nIce sAne sIde.. hoW can oNe cLaim tO lOVe sOmething u dun kNow mUCh abOut? its like mE sAying i lOve iCe hocKey.. or rUgby.. tHats absUrd! i mIght love it in thE fUture if i leARn it.. bUt nOt nOw! sIghz.. Oscar Wilde sAys "iLLusion is tHe fIrst of aLL plEasures.." itS an illusIon we faLL in lOve w mOst of tHe tIme.. itS an illUsion he fell in lOve w tOo.. nOt me.. i'm nOt tHAt gIrl he tHinks i aM.. thaT isn me..

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Monday, 18 February 2008 ;

Tomorrow Never Comes

If I knew it'll be the last time that I'll see you fall asleep,
I would tuck u in more tightly, and pray the lord your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss, and call you back for just one more.

If I knew it would be the last time I hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would tape each word and action, and play them back throughout my days.

If I knew it would be the last time, I would spare a minute or two,
to stop and say "I love you", instead of assuming you know I do.

So assuming tomorrow never comes, and today is all I get,
I'd like to say I love you, and I hope we never will forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike,
and today might be the last chance you get to hold your loved ones tight.

So if you are waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today?

For if tomorrow never comes, you'll surely regret the day
that you didn't take that extra time for a smile, a hug or a kiss,
and if you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to betheir one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today, and whisper in their ear,
That you love them very much and you'll always hold them dear.

Take time to say "I'm sorry", "Please forgive me", "thank you" or "its ok".

And if tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today.

- Norma Cornett Marek

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Saturday, 16 February 2008 ;

qUote oF tHe dAy:

"protect people's identity but forget to protect your own safety... so typical you lor" - aUdrEy

"hOw cAn i be 2 people's "THE ONE" aT tHe sAme tIme?! at leAst one oF tHem mUst haVe maDe a mIstakE!" - A GIRL

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Friday, 15 February 2008 ;
v.dAy aNd pOSt v.dAy!! sHall lEt tHe picTures dO tHe tALking.. tHis v.dAy maDe me undERstAnd sOme tHings abT lOve aNd aBt mYself..
1. beIng tOuched isN eQual tO lOve..
2. lOve tAkes a hell of a lOng time tO build up..
3. likE aNd lOve is wAy diffeRent..
4. i kNow i'll nEver mArry fOr mOney.. (i'll dIe of bordOm/lOusy companY aNd $ can't sAve me)
5. 两颗心之间的距离,是世界上最远的距离..
6. i nEed intellecTUal sTimulation..
7. i'll neVer like someonE wHo can't holD a meAningful/tHought prOvoking convErsation w mE..

aNd tHis, is tHe sAddesT tHing i rEAlised tHis v.daY..

8. 万事俱备,只欠东风

aNd all tHese, aRen facTs tHat i knOw only yeSt.. tHese arE faCTs i alreAdy kNew bUt weRe eMphasized yeSt.. SAD CAN?

eVerything wAs gReat.. tHe aMbience, tHe surpriSe, tHe eFfort thAt i cLd sEe him put in.. bUT.. sOmetHings cAN't be fOrced.. neIther cAn tHey be bOught.. wOrse, beinG touched isN eQual to lOve.. :(

mAybe tIme will tEll.. tIme will mAKe mE liKe hIm mOre.. or tIme will maKe me wAnt tO rUn aWay aGain.. liKe hoW i oFten dO..

tHis, is lOve..

oH! aNd aUdREy cALLed me jUst tO sAy hAppy v.dAy! itS nO wOnder wHy i lOve her tHe mosT =D

tHis is fRiendship

tHe pLace..

tHe fOod.. nO i dIdn tAke piCs.. pAiseH cAN?

tHis has nIce lighting bUt i cAn't seE mY fAce..
(pERson's fAce mOsaic-eD tO pRotecT tHe innOcEnt)

nOw i cAn see mY fAce.. bUt i lOok sIanz.. -_-"

aS jUst aBt eVeryonE knOws, i lOve tAKing picS oF fLowers..

sAy hI, little oNe w tHe rOse




lunch w mY NURSERY FRIEND (hOw cOol is tHat huh?) aT a plaCe i've aLways waNted tO tRY out.. tHe sErvice wAs gReat.. ppLe wEre fRiendly.. wE cHatted fOr hOurs.. tHe sTeak wAs gOod.. bUt tHe companY's beTter.. baSically its jUst gReat.. we sHld dO tHis mOre ofTen.. ;)

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Wednesday, 13 February 2008 ;

i'm fReaked.. rEAlly fREaked.. a cOusin of mIne, my aGe or 2-3 yrs older.. has cAncer.. sHe's a tEAcher, an aThelete, a reAlly active, frienDly aNd preTty laDy.. i've nEver oNce sPoken tO heR in mY entire liFe.. bUt i dUn dislike hEr.. bUt the tHing is.. sHe's in the tErminaL sTage of cOlon cancEr anD it haS lOng sPread aLL over hEr body! nO pAin nO nOthing aNd sUddenly, WHAM! canCer??! sHe's sO younG! eVen tHe dOctors wEre fReaked tO see hEr bOdy FULL of cAncer cells.. nO orGans weRe sPAred.. except fOr a sMall paRt of hEr liVer.. 20+.. aNd tHAts all to her life? its tRue that its nOT the years in uR life bUt the life in ur yeArs that matters... bUt 20 odd yRs only? isn it a little sHort? eVen thOu i dun kNow her aT all (almost) i dun evEn know her nAme, bUt its a cRuel tHing to happen tO anyoNe..

sHe's stArting treAtment fR nxt wK.. sHe doeSn knOw the sEriousnEss of it yeT.. i wOnder wHether sHe wlD cHange her mind abT undergOing tREatment if sHe knOws tHe full sTory of heR caSe.. iF its me (tOUchwOod!) i'll cHoose NOT to undergo tREatment.. i'll sPend the rEst of my timE dOing wHat i wAnt tO dO.. tRavel, voLunteer, dAnce, caTch up w fRens, tHrow a fArewell pARty, settle mY pERsonal maTters.. i'll tell the pple i love that i love them.. i'll hug the pple i wan to hug.. aNd i waNt tO sPend my laSt mOments iN tHe aRms of tHe perSOn i lOve tHe mOst in tHis wOrld.. nO prIzes fOr gUEssing wHo...


oR sO sHe sAys..-

Sunday, 10 February 2008 ;

fAmily =D

fAmily tOo! =D

tHis cNy wAs intErestingly aNd reFreShingly dIfferEnt.. fOr onCE, my aH ma's plaCe wAs eMpty fOr CNY.. aND wHen i sTepped intO tHe tOtally eMpty hOuse, i cOuld sMell hEr fAmilar sCent.. aS if sHe's sTill tHere wAtching us, sMiling aT us.. sTanding bY tHe dOor, wAiting fOr ALL her nUmeroUS cHildRen, gRandcHildRen, gReat-gRandcHildren tO cOme vIsit hEr.. tHe momeNt i sTeppeD in aNd sMelt tHat sCent, i tEared.. it wAs tHen tHat i rEAlised, i lOve heR mOre tHan i tOt i dId.. tHis mAde mE tREasURe mY fAMily mOre.. sO i've dECided tO fuFIl a prOmise i mADe tO sOmeonE i lOve tHis jUne.. dUring oRal eXams in P5, i wAs tHe lasT sTudent oN tHe lisT. tHe eXaminer dOted on mE in cLass aNd fOr tHis eXam, i hElped him sTack tHe cHairs aNd tABles baCk aND we cOnducted tHe eXam on tHe sTairs.. dUring tHe convERsation sECtion, he aSked me wHat i'll do wheN i've gRown up aNd eArned a loT a lOt of mOney. i sAid "i dUn wAnt to eArn a lot oF monEy.. i wAnt tO sPend mOre tIme wIth my mUmmy.." tHe eXaminer toLd mY mUm mY aNs.. aNd sAid he wAs tOuched.. bUt yRs dWn tHe rOad, i'Ve cLean fOrgotten it.. oNly wHen my mum rEminded me of tHat incidENt did i rEm tHe dArk sTaircAse aNd tHe lOok in mY tEacher's eYes.. mOney cANnot bUy tIme.. i'll rEm tHis..

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Tuesday, 5 February 2008 ;
i hAVe aN impOrtant qUeStion tO aSk: wHy dO peOple fAll in lOve wIth eAch otHer? i kNow tHe pSychOlogical aNd the sCientific aNs.. bUt is tHere anOther explaInation? :(
cAn't waIt fOr June tO cOme.. sOmehoW oNce in a wHile i'll hAVe a fEeling i wAN tO rUn aWay tO sOme ulU plaCe.. wHy aR? i'm sUre tHere's sOMeone like mE wHo dReams of wAnting tO 流浪 oNce in a wHile and cOme baCk tO rEality aFter tHat..

*jUst mY gUitaR mY tEddy aNd mE.. (cAmera aNd nOtebK tOo!) * wHen will i b aBle tO leAVe wHeneVer i wAnt?
作词:姚若龙 (tHis gUy's lyricS aRe tHe beSt!)






its sO haRd fOr tWo pple tO sTay tOgether.. tHere aRe tOo manY tHings tHat cAn haPpEn.. aRe u aBle tO oPenly anD proudlY hold the hAnds of tHe person u lOve aNd pRoclAim tHat he/sHe's ur sIgnificAnt otHer? if u cAn, u aRe fOrtunate.. dO tReasUre..


oR sO sHe sAys..-

Monday, 4 February 2008 ;
Mr. Bao called.. u kNow wHat? i rEALLy believe tHe fACt tHAt tHere aRE some ppLE wHom u'll ALWAYS haVe a sOft sPot foR.. aT leAst fOr thIS lifetIme..

wEnt sHopping fOr a wHOLe dAY aNd tHe only tHing that i bOught wAS a sILLy haIRbaNd.. i haVe 4 haIrbaNDs, all bouGHt on impulSE aNd nOn tHat i've wOrn mOre tHan oNce.. tHe only otHer tHing tHat cAUght mY eYe wAs a bAg.. bUt itS qUality aNd bRand wAs veRY nOt wOrth its prIce.. i wAS tOld i wAS tOo piCKy.. maYbe.. :(

i sTill dIDn maNage tO find mY pAIr of pERfect heEls.. i'm dReaming of a 3.5in (silVer)silletto w poInted frOnt iN maYbe bloOd rEd tHats cOmfy aNd sTable..

(i gUess tRying tO fiNd comfy aNd sTable heels is liKe me tRying tO finD tHe a gUy wHo's bOth sMart aNd honeSt.. itS aLmosT impossiBle.. i wLd cHAracTerise iT as aN oxYmorOn.. tHeoRetically, bOth quaLities cAnnot cO-exist..)

i aLso dIdn fInd a nICe bLouse w fAncy laCy sTuff aT tHE tOp tO maTch a paIr of bLack kNee lENgth panTs tO be mAtched w hEels..

i aLso dIDn maNage tO fInd a nIce eNough sCent tHAt haS rOse aS its middLe or baSe nOte..

aNd maYbe i sHld haVe bought tHAt oVerprIced baG sO i wLdn kEep tHinking of it.. bUt i dUn haVe tHE rIght sHoes tO matCh it w.. aRgh..

it lOoks beTter in life..

nOw u kNow wHy i dUn reAlly hEArt sHopping tHAt mUCh.. sIghz..


i haven sEen SCS in 2 weEks.. cOs i wAs bUsy aNd tHe neXt wK i wAs sIck.. aNd wAS wOndeRing wHen wLd i sTart mISsing his aBsencE iF at aLL.. aND vIolA! fInally.. aFter 2 wKs, i tOt i kindA mISs tHAt qUiet prEsence.. he oCcupiEd mY tOts fOr a fUll 3 secs bEforE i sTarted tHinking aBt cLeaning up mY rOom aGain..

aBsencE maKes tHe hEArT gRow fOndEr.. 2 wKs of aBSencE, 3 sECs wOrth of tOts.. maKes tHE heARt gRow fOnder indEed.. *sNortz*

oR sO sHe sAys..-