Sunday, 30 December 2007 ;

i sPent the lAst sAturdaY of 2007 wIth gOod fOod aNd gOod compaNy. perfecT wAy tO enD tHe laSt sAt of 2007..
wAiting fOr uR pHotos, babEs.. ;)
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Friday, 28 December 2007 ;
" altHough oVer le la.. bUT.. tOday's Boxing dAy rIght? hEe.."bCos its fR sMall cAp sTock, eVen a tEAbaG wOuld b tHe sWeetesT tHing eVer.. *sIghz*

i sPent mY x'mAs eVe dInner likE tHis aFter wAtching 3 chIpmUnks dAnce aRnd.. bUt i diDn mAnage tO bake oN x'mAs dUe tO unfOresEen cIrcumsTances.. sIgh..
有时候当我们太喜欢一样东西,我们会觉得他很好很好。。就算他根本没那么好。。但是,就因为觉得他很好,我们变得没有信心。。觉得,这么好的东西,我们不配拥有。。我配拥有你吗?还是你也同时认为你不配?如果我说世俗的一切我都可以不在乎,你相信吗?学历,背景,工作。。 如果我说我可以为你放弃一辈子的高跟鞋你会信吗?也许你不会。。但是真的。。世俗的一切。。我可以为你,不在乎。。
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 23 December 2007 ;
' Stalin appeared as a ghost in Putin's dream. Putin asked him for advice on running the country. Stalin said, "I want you to kill all the democrats and paint the inside of the Kremlin blue." Putin immediately asked, "Why blue?" "HAH!" laughed Stalin. "I knew you wouldn't ask me about the first part." 'This wAs tAken fR tHe laTest isSue of TIME.. its one oF tHe pOpular jOkes cIrculatinG in Russia nOWadays (or sO the maGAzine sAys) aNw i find it pREtty fUnny..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Saturday, 22 December 2007 ;
it wAs fate.. rEAlly.. tHat i gOt tO meeT up w bUddy aNd a cOmmon fRen i wAnted tO meEt in perSon fOr sO vEry lOng..

he's hIdding bEhinD mY dEsSeRt..
aFter tHe cHristmaS paRTy at mY wKplaCE, sEeing tHat nO oNE's wOrking seriouSly aNw, i tOok oUt my cAM aNd sTarted dRagging mY dEARies tO taKe pICs w me.. sIgh.. aNd i tOok 2 picS w mY sMall cAp sTock.. sWeet..
tHere wEre mOments i dIDn wan tO leaVE mY jOb... mOments wHen i fEeL that i'm gETting betTer at wAt i do, mOments like.. wHen pple i've bEEn cOrresponding w tHru emAil foR a couple oF monTHs cAMe dOwn pERsonally tO sEttle sTuff wHile i've jUSt sTeppeD ouT of tHe oFFice asKs sPecifically tO meet me wHen my cOlleagues cOuld haVE eASily haNded hIm tHE relavanT dOcuments aNd sIgned eVerytHing pROper.. mOmeNts wHen i sPend a wHole mOrning PR-ing sO as tO convince 3rD parTy compaNies tO rearRange tHeir pLans tO OUR interest (& suCceeding in tHat of cOs..).. mOments wHen mY colleaGUEs confiDe in me sTuff tHat really thEy shldn eVen b teLLing anyone in tHe cO, or tHey rIsk faCing tHE bOOt on tHe sPot or gEt blacKlisted.. eTc..
bUt i kNow tHis iSn e pAth i wAn tO taKe.. aNd its nOt e paTh fOr me eIther.. i haVE oNe wk aNd onE dAy left tO tReasuRE aLL tHese.. i'll kEep the gOod memOries aNd useful wOrds gIven.. 真可惜。。天下无不散之宴席。。
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 20 December 2007 ;

sPent qUite a bIt of tIme w mY sMall cAp sTock yeSt, dOing nOthing bUt taLking aNd playing haNgman..
lOng lOng tIme agO, wHen i wAS sTill reALLy yOung, sOmeoNE tOld me wHen i gRow up i'll jUst kNow tHe dIfferENce bTwn lIking sOmeone aNd lOving sOmeone.. aNd nOw, i hOpe i'm nOt sCaring mysELf bUt i'm sTarting tO tHink i'm incApable oF lOving sOmeone aNymOre.. mY "fEEling cElls" aRe inaCtive..die..
The Terribly, Tragically Sad Man Once there was a boy who lived in a big house on a hill. He loved dogs and horses, sports cars and music. He climbed trees and went swimming, played football and admired pretty girls. Except for having to pick up after himself, he had a nice life.
One day the boy said to God, "I’ve been thinking, and I know what I want when I become a man."
"What?" asked God.
"I want to live in a big house with a porch across the front and two Saint Bernards and a garden out back. I want to marry a woman who is tall and very beautiful and kind, who has long, black hair and blue eyes, and who plays the guitar and sings in a clear, high voice.
"I want three strong sons to play football with. When they grow up, one will be a great scientist, one will be a senator and the youngest will quarterback for the 49ers.
"I want to be an adventurer who sails vast oceans and climbs tall mountains and rescues people. And I want to drive a red Ferrari and never have to pick up after myself."
"That sounds like a nice dream," said God. "I want you to be happy."
One day, playing football, the boy hurt his knee. After that he couldn’t climb tall mountains or even tall trees, much less sail vast oceans. So he studied marketing and started a medical-supplies business.
He married a girl who was very beautiful and very kind and who had long, black hair. But she was short, not tall, and had brown eyes, not blue. She couldn’t play the guitar, or even sing. But she prepared wonderful meals seasoned with rare Chinese spices and painted magnificent pictures of birds.
Because of his business, he lived in a city near the top of a tall apartment building that overlooked the blue ocean and the city’s twinkling lights. He didn’t have room for two Saint Bernards, but he had a fluffy cat.
He had three daughters, all very beautiful. The youngest, who was in a wheelchair, was the loveliest. The three daughters loved their father very much. They didn’t play football with him, but sometimes they went to the park and tossed a Fris-bee ---except for the youngest, who sat under a tree strumming her guitar and singing lovely, haunting songs.
He made enough money to live comfortably, but he didn’t drive a red Ferrari. Sometimes he had to pick up things and put them away -even things that didn’t belong to him. After all, he had three daughters.
Then one morning the man awoke and remembered his dream. "I am very sad," he said to his best friend.
"Why?" asked his friend.
"Because I once dreamed of marrying a tall women with black hair and blue eyes who would play the guitar and sing. My wife can’t play the guitar or sing.
She has brown eyes, and she’s not tall."
"Your wife is beautiful and very kind," said his friend. "She creates splendid pictures and delectable food."
But the man wasn’t listening.
"I am very sad," the man confessed to his wife one day.
"Why?" asked his wife.
"Because I once dreamed of living in a big house with a porch, and of having two Saint Bernards and a garden out back. Instead, I live in an apartment on the 47th floor."
"Our apartment is comfortable, and we can see the ocean from our couch," replied his wife. "We have love laughter and paintings of birds and a fluffy cat -not to mention three beautiful children."
But the man wasn’t listening.
"I am very sad," the man said to his therapist.
"Why?" asked the therapist.
"Because I once dreamed that I would grow up to be a great adventurer. Instead, I’m a bald businessman with a bad knee."
"The medical supplies you sell have saved many lives," said the therapist.
But the man wasn’t listening. So his therapist charged him $110 and sent him home.
"I am very sad," the man said to his accountant.
"Why?" asked the accountant.
"Because I once dreamed of driving a red Ferrari and of never having to pick up after myself. Instead, I take public transportation, and sometimes I still have to clean up."
"You wear good suits. You eat at fine restaurants, and you’ve toured Europe," said his accountant.
But the man wasn’t listening. His accountant charged him $100 anyway. He was dreaming of a red Ferrari himself.
"I am very sad," the man said to his minister.
"Why?" asked the minister.
"Because I once dreamed of having three sons; a great scientist, a politician and a quarterback. Instead, I have three daughters, and the youngest can’t even walk."
"But your daughters are beautiful and intelligent," said the minister. "They love you very much, and they’ve all done well. One is a nurse, another is an artist and the youngest teaches music to children."
But the man wasn’t listening. He was so sad that he became very sick. He lay in a white hospital room surrounded by nurses in white uniforms. Tubes and wires connected his body to blinking machines that he had once sold to the hospital.
He was terribly, tragically sad. His family, friends and minister gathered around his bed. They were all deeply sad too. Only his therapist and his accountant remained happy.
Then one night, when everyone except the nurses had gone home, the man said to God, "Remember when I was a boy and I told you all the things I wanted?"
"It was a lovely dream," said God.
"Why didn’t you give me those things?" asked the man.
"I could have," said God. "But I wanted to surprise you with things you didn’t dream of.
"I suppose you’ve noticed what I’ve given you: a kind, beautiful wife; a good business; a nice place to live; three lovely daughters -one of the best packages I’ve put together-"
"Yes," interrupted the man. "But I thought you were going to give me what I really wanted."
"And I thought you were going to give me what I really wanted," said God.
"What did you want?" asked the man. It had never occurred to him that God was in want of anything.
"I wanted to make you happy with what I’d given you," said God.
The man lay in the dark all night, thinking. Finally he decided to dream a new dream, one he wished he’d dreamed years before. He decided to dream that what he wanted most were the very things he already had.
And the man got well and lived happily on the 47th floor, enjoying his children’s beautiful voices, his wife’s deep brown eyes and her glorious paintings of birds. And at night he gazed at the ocean and contentedly watched the lights of the city twinkling on, one by one.
" You are what you think about. All you are arises from your thoughts. With your thoughts, you make your world." The Buddha.
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 17 December 2007 ;
歌手:蔡健雅 专辑:陌生人
aUdreY's coming bAck tMl!! yAY!! :D
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 16 December 2007 ;
i haTe tO be sick... rEally... eSp wHen being sIck meAns bUrning my sAT by lying in beD aNd sTaying at hOme on a sUnday, making me mIss mY 1st gUitar peRFormance.. dAmn.. dAmn dAmn dAmn.. aRgh..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 10 December 2007 ;

mY sMall cAp sTock is sIck... sIgh... hEArt pAin.. *sAyang* :(
i kNow i'm in it dEep wHen i kEep e hAnd wRitten nOte he lEft oN my dEsk cArefully in mY bAG eVen wHen its nOthing mOre tHan wOrk relAted.. sIgh... nO wK tml.. i'm sO gOing tO mISs tHat sMile.. tHat aLmosT nOn-existanT pAir oF eYes wHen he gRins aT me.. thAt "i'm-tRying-very-haRd-tO-imPress" 1 wK old haiRdO.. (i sTill lOve hIs sLeepy hAIrsTyle he haS kEpt sInce tHe laSt tIme i wOrked tHere..) i lOVe wAtching him wOrk.. i lOve wAtching hIm rUsh aRnd the plACe.. i lOve hIs sPecs aNd hIs boy-boy fAce.. i lOve hIS bLur lOok wHen i tEll hIm "eR.. u done w tOday's sHipment yEt?" aNd he gOes.. "sHipmeNT? oh yA hOr!" sIgh.. :)
lOve bRings u tO hEaven aNd hEll.. bUT its a gOod tHing.. i dUn wan tO be sTuck on eArth all tHe tIme..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Saturday, 8 December 2007 ;

oR sO sHe sAys..-

nO maTter wHat i dO, its nEver gOod eNough.. its nEver uP tO sTandard.. HER sTandard.. aND i'm sO tIred of eVen tRying.. tOny pArson onCe sAid, "all pArents live tHeir lifEs tHrough tHat of tHeir cHild." i undErstOod wHat it meAnt.. i jUSt dIdn eXpeCt it tO bE THAT exTreme.. 难道我就这样注定过我的一生? i bElieVE we cHoose oUr pAth.. bUt mOst oftEn, wHat we cAre aBout mOst is aLso oUr gREatest hInderaNCe.. wHat sHould i dO? fOr oNCe, thE Cedar mOtto i refEr tO in tImes of nEed fail me.. "Honesty, Courtesy, Perseverance".. wat?
in lOve w a sMall-caP sTock.. oNe of tHe rAre tImes i lOve kaPoh aUnties.. iTs e oNly tHing tHAt kEeps me hAppy nOw tHAt eVerything is gOing wRong w mY life.. eVerything.. sCh, hOme, mIssion plAnning.. eVerythiNg.. 我很想放弃。。又再一次放弃。。又再一次用我的生命过她的人生。。可是我不服!我不服!怎么办?iSn tHis MY lifE? oR aM i miStaken?
lEt mE bLock oUt all tOts except fOr my sMall cAp sTock.. iT kEpt me sO hAppy i oNly maNaged tO sLeep fOr aBout 4-5 hRs aND i'm nOt tIred aT aLL.. :)rEpeat 10 times: THINK HAPPY TOTS x 10tHere's a pRice tO paY fOr evErytHing.. iF it cAn b sEttled bY mOney, aLL tHe beTter.. bUt mOst of tHe tIme, wE dUn geT tO paY in cAsh, mAsters, vIsa, Amex or NETs.. wE pAy bY gIving uP tHings wE lOve, invEsting tIme aNd fEelings, sWallowIng oUr pRIde aNd dIgnity..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 6 December 2007 ;

sOmeone hUg me.. i wAn tO cRy :_(
i rEally mIss aUdRey.. liKe.. reAlly..
finally cUt my hAir.. sTill as dEpreSSed tHou.. dEpressed.. dEpressed.. dEpressed.. wHen's MY aUdrey tEo cOming bAck? wHen? *pOut* i'll b sUlking tiLL i seE u, gIrl..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 5 December 2007 ;

sIck aGain.. bUt it gAve me a cHance to cAtch up on tHe bOoks i wan tO rEAd.. tHE onl baD tHing abt being sIck is, i consTantly fEel like sLeepIng anD i think sLeeping is a wAste of tIme rIght nOw.. cOs tHere aRE tOo mAny things i wAnna dO!
"i cAN't tk cR of u.. sO u mUst tK cR of urseLF k?" - Mr BAO sEe? i hAve a gOod memoRy k? i rem sTuff tHat waS sAid YEARS agO! HA-HA.. *rOlls eYes* ---> check it out! pretty bRollies!
The Bus Passenger The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and, using her hands to feel the location of the seats, walked down the aisle and found the seat he'd told her was empty. Then she settled in, placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg.
It had been a year since Susan, thirty-four, became blind. Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity. Once a fiercely independent woman, Susan now felt condemned by this terrible twist of fate to become a powerless, helpless burden on everyone around her. "How could this have happened to me?" she would plead, her heart knotted with anger.
But no matter how much she cried or ranted or prayed, she knew the painful truth her sight was never going to return. A cloud of depression hung over Susan's once optimistic spirit. Just getting through each day was an exercise in frustration and exhaustion. And all she had to cling to was her husband Mark.
Mark was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all of his heart. When she first lost her sight, he watched her sink into despair and was determined to help his wife gain the strength and confidence she needed to become independent again. Mark's military background had trained him well to deal with sensitive situations, and yet he knew this was the most difficult battle he would ever face.
Finally, Susan felt ready to return to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but was now too frightened to get around the city by herself. Mark volunteered to drive her to work each day, even though they worked at opposite ends of the city.
At first, this comforted Susan and fulfilled Mark's need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task. Soon, however, Mark realized that this arrangement wasn't working - it was hectic, and costly. Susan is going to have to start taking the bus again, he admitted to himself. But just the thought of mentioning it to her made him cringe. She was still so fragile, so angry. How would she react?
Just as Mark predicted, Susan was horrified at the idea of taking the bus again. "I'm blind!" she responded bitterly. "How am I supposed to know where I'm going? I feel like you're abandoning me."
Mark's heart broke to hear these words, but he knew what had to be done. He promised Susan that each morning and evening he would ride the bus with her, for as long as it took, until she got the hang of it. And that is exactly what happened.
For two solid weeks, Mark, military uniform and all, accompanied Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to rely on her other senses, specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new environment. He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could watch out for her, and save her a seat. He made her laugh, even on those not-so-good days when she would trip exiting the bus, or drop her briefcase.
Each morning they made the journey together, and Mark would take a cab back to his office. Although this routine was even more costly and exhausting than the previous one, Mark knew it was only a matter of time before Susan would be able to ride the bus on her own. He believed in her, in the Susan he used to know before she'd lost her sight, who wasn't afraid of any challenge and who would never, ever quit.
Finally, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own. Monday morning arrived, and before she left, she threw her arms around Mark, her temporary bus riding companion, her husband, and her best friend.
Her eyes filled with tears of gratitude for his loyalty, his patience, his love. She said good-bye, and for the first time, they went their separate ways. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... Each day on her own went perfectly, and Susan had never felt better. She was doing it! She was going to work all by herself!
On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was paying for her fare to exit the bus, the driver said, "Boy, I sure envy you." Susan wasn't sure if the driver was speaking to her or not. After all, who on earth would ever envy a blind woman who had struggled just to find the courage to live for the past year?
Curious, she asked the driver, "Why do you say that you envy me?" The driver responded, "It must feel so good to be taken care of and protected like you are." Susan had no idea what the driver was talking about, and asked again, "What do you mean?"
The driver answered, "You know, every morning for the past week, a fine looking gentleman in a military uniform has been standing across the corner watching you when you get off the bus. He makes sure you cross the street safely and he watches you until you enter your office building. Then he blows you a kiss, gives you a little salute and walks away. You are one lucky lady."
Tears of happiness poured down Susan's cheeks. For although she couldn't physically see him, she had always felt Mark's presence. She was lucky, so lucky, for he had given her a gift more powerful than sight, a gift she didn't need to see to believe - the gift of love that can bring light where there had been darkness.
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Sunday, 2 December 2007 ;

it hAppened aGain.. tHis tIme tO someone cLose tO me.. 30 yrs of mArriage.. pErphaPs it haS beEn gOing dOwnhiLL sincE tHe kNot wAs tIed.. bUt tO haVE a mAn consTantly mAke irresPonsible rEmarks is sO off puTTing...
i'vE meT tHese kInd of mEn b4.. wEnt out w oNe of hIs kInd tOo.. tHe kinD wHo sEEms sO pErfeCt iN pUblic.. tHe kind wHo pUts on a sHow in puBlic.. a sHow of hOw cAring he is tO his gIrl, hOw gentLEmanly he CAN BE.. bUt tHink.. all tHeSe preTEnce is only a faLse fRont.. he rEAlly loVEs u? nO.. he lOves hIs imaGE mORe.. it wAs gOod that i oNce daTed sUch sCums.. sO i knOw tHere's sUch a sPecies aNd haVe firSt hand underSTanding of hOw tHey aCt.. aNd in coMparison tO tHose wHo are nIce tO me sO otHers cAn SEE tHAt he's nICe, i apprecIate tHose wHO are nIce tO me in a lOw kEy waY.. really i dO.. tHis reminds me oF an oLd sOng that gOes "我爱你,不是爱给别人看" sIghz..
anw.. its haRd tO imagIne sUch a scRawny guy haS eNough guts sQueezed in hIs puNy fRame tO kEep a mIstreSS in BATAM! fOr YEARS somemOre.. (maYbe hIs laCk of cOnscience allowEd mOre sPace fOr hIs gUts tO sTay in hIs pin sIzed bOdy.. paRdon my nOnsence.. i jUst can't sTand tHe injustice he's dOing tO hIs faMily)
pple cHAnge.. it tAkes 2 haNDs tO claP bUT it dOesn aLways tAke 2 tO maKe a rElationship fall aPart.. it dOesn.. sOmetimes, it tAkes onE.. just oNe wil dO..
如果你现在问我,什么是幸福,我会说,“幸福是在茫茫人海中,找到他。。幸福是和他在海边看星星。。幸福是能和他分享一本好书,一杯好咖啡。。幸福是牵着他的手,不管去哪里,都跟他走。。幸福是一起看画展。。幸福是一起拍很多很多很美的风景照。。幸福是懂得珍惜对方。。我不需要找到他才幸福。。只是,找到他,就有人和我分享幸福。。幸福,也许往往很短暂。。 但人生何尝不是一样的短暂?幸福是自由。。幸福是适当的约束。。幸福要如何琢磨?”
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Saturday, 1 December 2007 ;
sOmeoNe is sTealing mY sHoes mORe oFten tHan i cAN toleraTe. *pissEd*
oR sO sHe sAys..-