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Tuesday, 31 July 2007 ;
because we tend to forget.. we tend to forget that life is fragile.. she said,"你以为能活着是理所当然的吗?" and that woke me up.. i've acquired lots of colourful things lately.. aNd tHat makeS mE hAppy.. i lOve cOlours.. (bUt i sTill loVe hEels mOre.. haha..) :)

幸福提示 10: aBle tO wAke up every mOrning tO fResh aIr, heARing bIrds cHirping aNd a rEfrEShing sHower.. wAT? if u dUn tHink tHat maKes onE 幸福, u aRE asKing fOr tOO mUch..

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Monday, 30 July 2007 ;
The Buzzard, The Bat, and the Bumblebee

If you put a buzzard in a pen six or eight feet square and entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of his ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of ten or twelve feet. Without space to run, as is his habit, he will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.
The ordinary bat that flies around at night, a remarkable nimble creature in the air, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it takes off like a flash.

A Bumblebee if dropped into an open tumbler will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.

In many ways, there are lots of people like the buzzard, the bat and the bee. They are struggling about with all their problems and frustrations, not realizing that the answer is right there above them.

sOmetimes after sTudying fOr a lOng time, i'll sUddenly feel liKe i dUn belong.. as in, i'm nOt supposed tO be sItting here stUdying.. 放弃梦想的人,就像迷了路的孩子。。转阿转的,回不了家。。 我迷路了。。 你呢? dUn giv up on uR dReams..

幸福提示 9: 勇敢追求梦想,就是幸福的终点。。

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Saturday, 28 July 2007 ;

tHere wAsn anY sUn todaY.. bUt sOme oF cAlvin's bOred cElls cREated tHis.. (aBv) aNd.. itS mY sUnsHine fOR tHe dAy.. :) lOts aNd loTs of hAppy cOlours.. bEt u dIdn knOw, bUt i lOve bUtterFlies.. dOesn it mk u hAppy tOo? =D (tHankies..)

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Friday, 27 July 2007 ;

A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully and before it blossomed, he examined it.

He saw the bud that would soon blossom, but noticed thorns upon the stem and he thought, "How can any beautiful flower come from a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns? Saddened by this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and just before it was ready to bloom... it died.

So it is with many people. Within every soul there is a rose. The God-like qualities planted in us at birth, grow amid the thorns of our faults. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns, the defects.

We despair, thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us. We neglect to water the good within us, and eventually it dies. We never realize our potential.

Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must show it to them. One of the greatest gifts a person can possess is to be able to reach past the thorns of another, and find the rose within them.

This is one of the characteristic of love... to look at a person, know their true faults and accepting that person into your life... all the while recognizing the nobility in their soul. Help others to realize they can overcome their faults. If we show them the "rose" within themselves, they will conquer their thorns. Only then will they blossom many times over.


I haVe aNother sTOry abT a rOse tOo.. bUt iTs sliGhtly dIFfereNt.. i sHall teLL it nExt tIme..

nO 幸福提示 tOo.. cOs itS sTill a gLoomy dAy.. mIss ECP.. i mIss tHE sUn.. i mIss jOgging.. i mIss icE sKating.. mOst of aLL, i mIss bElieving iN mYself.. gEe.. lOok at wAt a lAck of sUnsHine dOes tO me.. i fEel likE a wIltered pLAnt..

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Wednesday, 25 July 2007 ;
iTs dAys like tHese tHat i fEel likE i'm a liVing dEfinition of "A BAD DAY" or rather, "A COUPLE OF BAD DAYS" -_-" aNd these baD daYs sTart oNce i wAke up.. hEAdacHe indUcing msGs aNd tErrible neWs eArly in thE mOrning.. tHankfully bReakfAst dIdn go wRong tOo.. aNd dUn even talk abt aFternoOns and nIghts.. i'vE gOt tO brEAk tHE cYcle.. maYbe i sHould go bUy sOme sHoes tO make myseLf haPpier.. maYbe itS thE lacK of sUn.. i nEed sOme sUnsHine.. :(


小狗问妈妈,幸福在哪里?妈妈说:“幸福在尾巴上。”于是,小狗拼命的追自己的尾巴, 可是他怎么努力也追不到。小狗伤心地哭了。。妈妈看见了,就问他:“诶?你怎么哭了?”小狗哭着说,“妈妈,我总是抓不住幸福。。”妈妈听了,大笑说:“傻瓜,只要你往前走,幸福就会跟着你了”

nO 幸福提示 tOday.. cOs itS a gLoomy dAy.. :(

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Monday, 23 July 2007 ;
幸福提示 8: wHen it rAins at niGht, gO stand on an oVerheaD bRidge.. lOok at one of e sTreet lamps aNd wAtch the rAin fall beneath it.. jUst wAtch.. itS sImply bEAutiful..

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Friday, 20 July 2007 ;
Met up w Clarissa tHe otHer daY.. she told me a sTory tHat tHis 93.3 DJ rEAd oVer tHe raDio sOme time ago..

Long time aGo, thERe waS tHis sWeet couple.. They were very compatible anD were very sweet to each oTher.. (piCture an idEAl cOuplE) One day, tHis gIrl meT w an aCCident aNd she ended up iN a cOma.. tHe guy visited hEr everydAy and sPent tIme w her.. tAlking to hER, holDing her hand.. mOnths wEnt by.. he wAs still there fOr her.. oNe daY, God appeared in fRont of tHe gUy..
God "u love her a lot?"
Guy "cos i do"
God "would u like her to wake up?"
Guy "of cos!"
God "i can let her wake up from her coma.. on one condition.."
Guy "wat is that?"
God "well, u'll have to become a dragonfly for 3 yrs"
(i KNOW dragonflies dUn live for 3 yrs! its a sTory ok?)

the guy didn even hesitate.. it was a straight "ok"..
and so, the girl got out of the comatose state.. she immediately asked for her bf.. of cos at that point in time, he was w her.. beside her.. just that she didn see him.. for a long time, she searched high and low for him.. she asked around, she really tried her best.. but she couldn find him.. all these while, after her discharge, there was a handsome doctor wooing her too.. and after a long while, they got together.. still, the dragonfly continued to buzz around her, fanning her when the weather is warm..

alas, coincidently, the day before the 3 yrs dateline when he can become human again, is also the day of marriage for the girl and the doctor.. tHis time, God appeared again..

God "so.. are u happy? u can become human again tml!"
Guy ".."
God "any regrets?"
Guy "no.."

i can't rem whether thats the end of the story bUt that's all i rem.. haha.. so sad right? if i'm the guy i'll rather stay as a dragonfly.. at least i can stay w her for life.. sigh.. *poUt*


幸福提示 7: wAtch ur bf sleep.. aAWww~.. itS sO swt tO wAtch ur lOved oNes sLp lo! if aT tHAt moment, u dUn fEel tHis intense sUrge of lOve tO wan tO sTay w tHis perSon, tk cR aNd prOtect hIm fOr as long aS u live, gEe.. in my oPinion, its tIme to cHange a bf.. *bleAh..*

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Wednesday, 18 July 2007 ;
"A son and his father were walking on the mountains.
Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"
He receives the answer: "Who are you?"
And then he screams to the mountain: "I admire you!"
The voice answers: "I admire you!"
Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!"
He receives the answer: "Coward!"
He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"
The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."
Again the man screams: "You are a champion!"
The voice answers: "You are a champion!"
The boy is surprised, but does not understand.
Then the father explains: "People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE.
It gives you back everything you say or do.
Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.
If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.
If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence.
This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life;
Life will give you back everything you have given to it."

-- Unknown Author

bEt maNy of u haVE hEARd tHis sTory b4.. itS preTTy common.. bUt it remInds me of sOmething Wayne Kwan (LM) saiD tOday.. "If u want to understand a leader, all u have to do is to analyse hIs followers." Pretty tRue.. sOem sMart gUy (i can't rem who) sAId somethinG sImilar "tO knoW a pErson, jUst lOok at hIs/hEr 5 cLosest fRens." tRue? to a certain extent.. hey.. how abt those who dUn haVe 5 cloSe fRens?! =p


幸福提示 6: hAve a gOod lAUghing aNd bIngIng sEssion.. i.e: hAng oUt w gIrL bUddies.. (as dEmonstRated belOw =p jean, june, me aNd sAl.. p/s: aUdrey, i sTill miss u a lOt.. pLs cOme baCk sOoN!!!)

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Monday, 16 July 2007 ;
People always come into your life for a reason, a season and a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, or to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or even spiritually. They may seem like a godsend to you, and they are. They are there for a reason,you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die, Sometimes they just walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilleed; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on.

When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season. And like Spring turns to Summer and Summer to Fall, the season eventually ends.

LIFETIME, relationships teach you a lifetime of lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway);, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas in your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. Thank you for being part of my life.....


所以我常说,任何决定都没有错于对。。在情场上作的决定更没有错与对。。 人来人往,留得住人,留不住心也没用。。正的爱一个人,就让他做会让他快乐的事。。

所以。。 所以,如果我的离开,会换来你的快乐,我会马上消失。。消失得干干净净。。成全你们,是我给你最后的眷顾,留给自己的尊严。。你说,从来不明白我的歪理。。无所谓。。你以前不明白,以后也不需要明白。。你只要快乐,就不枉费我故意让你讨厌我,做我平时不对你做的事。。让你讨厌我过后才离开,你有好过一点对吗?为什么到了最后还为你着想?真笨。。还是老话一句,“承诺永远的人,往往没有时间观念”。。都这么久了。。突然又想起你。。因为你和季节一样,只是个过客。。


幸福提示 5: Gorge on "Gobi Dessert"'s Strawberry thingy under the Fantasy series.. tRust me.. its bEtter tHan heAven.. eSp the oUtlet at Katong Mall.. *fAint*

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Sunday, 15 July 2007 ;

dO u tHink tHis is legitimAte? i sUre hOpe so.. i rem mY JC claSS sPonsOred a cHild.. wOnder iF its fR tHe sAMe orGanisaTion.. iF any oF uR haVE sPare cAsh of $22 a mOnth dO join me in sPonsoring a cHild! :)

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Saturday, 14 July 2007 ;
Sand and Stone

A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: "TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE."

They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one, who had been slapped, got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After the friend recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: "TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE."

The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?"

The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."



lOng time ago, tHere's tHis girl wHo dId my fRens and i qUite sOme diServiCE (aNd i'm tRying to b poliTe hEre).. i dIdn like her aT all.. 3 yrS baCk, i heaRd v baD neWs abt her.. tHat instant, i fElt sO sAD fOr her.. aNd my fRen sAid, "u fEel sAd fOr hER?! hm.. tHan maybe u dUn hAte heR sO muCh aFterall.." pErphaPs i dO tenD tO fOrget.. unlEss u hUrt mE tIme and aGain.. tHen one day, just onE daY, tHe sCar mIght sTay.. aNd i gUess in sOme cAses u dUn seE tHe sCar u inflicT on oThers.. bUt tHEy will neVer fOrget e sEcond tHEy deCide tO gIvE uP rEAchinG ouT tO u fOr the "Xth" time..
幸福提示 4: cUrl up oN a cOmfY sOfa/cArpet w hUge sQuisHy cUshions w a gOod bOok aNd uR faV dRink.. hEaven..


"liSten tO uR bRain aNd hEart.. wHich oNe is sTronger?" - WinstOn
tHAt sImple yEt under-thought-of phrase sOlved my pRobs.. tHankS man.. :)

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Wednesday, 11 July 2007 ;
A Box Full of Kisses

The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy."

The man was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found out the box was empty. He yelled at her, stating, "Don't you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside? The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried, "Oh, Daddy, it's not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. They're all for you, Daddy."

The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness.

Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and, whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.

In a very real sense, each one of us, as humans beings, have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses... from our children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no other possession, anyone could hold, more precious than this.


sO sWt rIght? tOo bAd nOt eVery dAddy tREasures wAt tHeir kidS gIve tHem.. wHy? dO wE haVE tO dIe tO mAKe tHEm tREasURe uS? dO tHey haVe tO wAIt till wE gIVe uP tRying tO plEAse tHEm b4 tHey rEgREt? hUman naTUre perPHaps.. pERpHaps..


幸福提示 3: dRowN uR unhaPPinEss in cHocolaTes.. rIch, dARk cHocolate.. aNd lOTs oF it at tHat.. :)

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Tuesday, 10 July 2007 ;
iTs a :( daY.. bUt i caN't gO cycLing at ECP.. tOo fAr.. nO tIme.. :_( i mIss tHe sEa.. a loT..


<<张惠妹 - 甜言蜜语>>

wAt a hEart bReaking sOng.. aNw, liE less.. iTs baD fOr hEalth.. nO i'm sErious! itS bEen prOven tHat itS meNtally sTressfUl tO liE.. cOs u'Ve gOt tO kEep rEm wAt u liEd abT.. aNd wOrst oF all, wHen u lie, tO bE convIncing, u'Ve gOt tO liE tO uRselF 1st.. u'Ve gOt tO beLIeve ur liEs.. sOoner oR laTEr, u'll lOse sIght oF wHat's reAL and wHat's nOt.. *tSk tSk..* dUn lie.. iTs baD fOr u.. (and bAd fOr thE perSon u liEd tO as wEll..)

tHis.. iS cOol..


幸福提示 2: wAtch a VCD w uR dEarie wHile eAting a BIG TUB of icE cReam.. *sWeeT*

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Monday, 9 July 2007 ;
aNyone rEad tHe sUnday tImes' lifE secTion? Mathew Pereira's column wAs a gooD read.. "wHats wrong wIth being eAsily contented?" bcos haPPiness cAn coMe from the littlE tHings in liFe.. haPPIness come in small packages.. i dUnno abT u.. bUt a loT of tHings mk mE hAppy.. mAybe i shLd wRite dOwn one pEr dAy.. aNd whEn i'm nOt hAppy, i cAn vIew tHe liSt i'Ve wRItten aNd mk myseLf happY! gOod ideA? haha.. i tHink so.. hEre gOes..

幸福提示 1: gO cycling aT tOp sPeed aT ECP.. dO this on a wKday wHen itS nOt sO crOwded..

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Saturday, 7 July 2007 ;
todAy's date is sO pRetty! i oRiginally haD plAns fOr 070707.. bUT i sPent it doinG prOj aNd gIving tuItion.. blEah.. sO mucH fOr plAns..

Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil. The first seed said, "I want to grow! I want to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earth's crust above me... I want to unfurl my tender buds like banners to announce the arrival of spring... I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew on my petals!" And so she grew.

The second seed said, "I am afraid. If I send my roots into the ground below, I don't know what I will encounter in the dark. If I push my way through the hard soil above me I may damage my delicate sprouts... what if I let my buds open and a snail tries to eat them? And if I were to open my blossoms, a small child may pull me from the ground. No, it is much better for me to wait until it is safe." And so she waited.

A yard hen scratching around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and promptly ate it.

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Don't be afraid to fail. You've failed many times, although you may not remember. You fell down the first time you tried to walk. You almost drowned the first time you tried to swim, didn't you? Did you ever fall when the first time you tried to skate ?

Don't worry about failure. Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try. "Once you think your dream is only a dream, then it's only a dream."

hAve u hAD a dReam aND gIven iT up? wAT dID u gIve it uP fOR? wAs it fOr a wOrthy cAuse? dID u reGRet? yRs doWn tHE road, i hEard abT C.. sHe's tHe only oNE aMong all oF uS wHO cHose dAnce as a pRofeSSional carEEr.. tHe prOmises wE maDe wHen we weRe youNg.. dId i mean it? i dId.. aNd i beLieve tHey dId tOo.. bUt we lOst.. lOst tO tIme.. loSt to fAte.. mOst imptLy, we lOst to cowardIce..

"人们总是害怕去追求梦想。。 害怕去追求内心最想要的。。 因为我们都觉得自己不够好,不配拥有。。不配拥有那美丽的梦想,梦想中的人生。。

oR sO sHe sAys..-

Wednesday, 4 July 2007 ;
Every Drop Is A Dream

If each grain of sand were to say

One grain does not make a mountain, there would be no land.

If each drop of water were to say

One drop does not make an ocean, there would be no sea.

If each note of music were to say

Each note does not make a symphony, there would be no melody.

If each word were to say

One word does not make a library, there would be no book.

If each brick were to say

One brick does not make a wall, there would be no house.

If each seed were to say

One seed does not make a field, there would be no harvest.

If each of us were to say

One person does not make the difference, there would never be love on earth.

You and I do make the difference

Begin today and make the difference

oR sO sHe sAys..-