Sunday, 12 September 2010 ;
Have decided to move to wordpress.
In my last post, I wrote about my job.
Since then, I've changed my job.
But I'm still not happy.
I realized, I'm more concerned about morality than the money it offers.
Not a lot of money.
But much more internal tussle.
When it comes to what's right and what's wrong, sometimes I'm lost.
Sometimes, its crystal clear to me.
Yet I'm bounded by circumstances.
She tells me to close one eye and do what I am told.
Take the money and shush.
He tells me to do what makes me happy.
He'll take care of the rest.
But he can't take care of my pride and desire to be independent.
Life is a continuous battle with oneself to be better.
Its time to move on.
At least while I'm here, I have a clearer picture of who I am.
Its time for goodbye.
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Thursday, 6 May 2010 ;
an intern asked me about the purpose of the publication.. he's not the 1st to ask and he will not be the last. its a good question. i'm already wondering why i am where i am..
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Wednesday, 5 May 2010 ;
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Friday, 30 April 2010 ;
I have told you my reasons for not moving in with someone before marriage and I know I probably sound old-fashioned and unrealistic. I am telling you these things because I love you and don’t want to see you get hurt. I know what you are thinking…its o.k…I would have thought the same thing at your age. Let me tell you the gut level truth about males (that has nothing to do with Dad or God, this is about you):
If he isn’t talking about marrying you in the first three months, he really doesn’t want to. That’s not to say he won’t marry you later, out of obligation or because he can’t find anything better, (he still may) but I will tell you it’s not because his life would be incomplete without you, his soul mate, in it.
When a guy lives with you without talk of the future (early), in his mind, the arrangement is one of convenience, shared finances, and commitment-less sex more than it is about making a trial run at marriage. He can tell you he loves you and he may ‘feel’ it on some level, but when you are with your soul mate, believe me, you will feel like the priority you should be.
“But Dad..”. “No, don’t but Dad me”.
Ask him a simple question: “When do you see us getting married and having children?”
The talk of marriage and children should excite your future husband, not make him clam up and get angry . If he were with his ‘dream girl’ do you think he would dawdle around waiting for ‘everything to be just right’ or would he take the bull by the horns?
There are no more, ”but Dad’s to say”…this is the truth sweetheart. Because 85% of people getting married (and later divorced or in roommate marriages) know this in their heart and go against it doesn’t make it right.
Hesitation means you aren’t the one. Getting visibly upset about the topic of marriage means you aren’t the one.
If he truly loved you, being with you everyday in a marriage would be greatest thing to happen in his life. Why would anyone want to delay any moment of time when they know they have found ‘the one’?
The painful truth is your answer and the sooner you realize that the faster you can move on to someone who’s heart melts when you walk in the room (and believe me, you will know it) instead of a shared sexual and financial agreement that really is a month to month lease on a car they will probably never buy, but want to drive until a newer model comes out.
Don’t settle for less than the best and lower your standards when it comes to marriage.
I love you
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 26 April 2010 ;
oR sO sHe sAys..-
Monday, 19 April 2010 ;

shld i get this in white or orange? white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange white or orange???????
no wait.. in the 1st place, should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this?should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this? should I get this?should I get this?
oR sO sHe sAys..-

"I'm your jetty. You can dock here." -Knight J
oR sO sHe sAys..-